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Theme “But now, God knows, Anything Goes.”
Money & Markets In Money and Markets, Catherine discusses the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines Plane, she also covers the increased seriousness in the Ukraine situation. Catherine also takes a look at the slower growth in China and Senator Feinstein’s retaliation to the CIA’s hacking of Congress.
Hero Our Hero this week is Bob Parsons, the Solari Toonist.
Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
Question #1:
After watching some of that interview with Alfred Webre, I went down a rabbit hole on the web and found a book called The Tak-ing of America, 1-2-3 by Richard E. Sprague. It’s available to read at http://www.ratical.org. It was printed in 1985. Maybe you have already heard of this book.
Sprague was the DA in Philadelphia which Webre was talking about being on the House Select Committee on Assasinations in 1979, but they discredited him. The book lists 100 people who were colllaborators or witnesses to the JFK assasination who had already been killed by 1985. His theory on what actually happened at Chappaquiddick was the first time any theory I had heard made sense. Another interesting point he made was that the goal of their approach was to take over the electoral system in the U.S. without people figuring out that they had done it. Mission Accomplished.
Well, I was blown away because this information has been out there that long and I missed it.
Question #2:
Dear Solari:
This was an amazing segment from 60 Minutes this past Sunday night. During this segment they discuss how data brokers are sell-ing our personal information to the people and companies who are willing to pay them money for it. There’s even one company in here that says that it has more than 1,500 pieces of information on each of more than 200 million individual Americans that it makes available for sale. These companies sell information on things like where we’ve been browsing on the Internet, what magazines we subscribe to, what products we’ve been buying, what nightclubs we’ve been going to, and what our own sexual preference is:
Let’s Go to the Movies! This week for Let’s Go to the Movies, Catherine reviews The NeverEnding Story. A film based on a German fantasy novel, in which a young warrior must stop a mysterious force called the Nothing.
March 20: Employment Statistics with John Williams
March 27: Reinventing America’s Homes and Buildings with Mat Stein
April 9: 1st Quarter Wrap-Up
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Global Debt Exceeds 1 Trillion
President Kennedy Visits Grave of James Forrestal
What’s Up in Detroit in 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2012
Popular Mechanics: Detroit Reimagined
“We are in the midst of an historic pivot of investment and credit.” ~ Solari Report Annual Wrap Up
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week’s Solari Report is a follow up to your questions on our January Annual Wrap Up. It is a briefing on the parts of the global economy experiencing significant investment, including from funds shifted out of governmental systems over the last twenty years and technology transferred from black budget programs.
In the first part, I briefed you on WHO is running things and what their concerns are.
This week, in the second part, I will address WHAT is happening – what we are building, growing and doing. What are the industries, technologies and regions that are experiencing the reinvestment of trillions shifted out of existing systems? What are some of the important issues raised as a result that will impact our lives and our personal finances?
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review two movie that we have discussed before on the Solari Report, The NeverEnding Story and The NeverEnding Story Part II: The Next Chapter. Based on a German fantasy novel, the movie tells of a world called Fantasia which is being destroyed by a mysterious force called the Nothing and of a young warrior who is sent on a quest by the Empress of Fantasia to stop the Nothing.
In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest market and geopolitical developments, so please post your questions on the blog!