An excerpt:
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Read the Transcript
Read the transcript of The Food Series – Francois Vecchio – Charcutier, Salumiere, Wurstmeister here (PDF)
Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file
“Modern physics tries to explain the nature of the universe, and they come to the paradox that matter comes out of nothing. So they use the term ‘energy’ and ‘field of energy’. I like the word ‘field’ in that perspective because the ‘field’ in Latin contains everything. So this being said, when you come to humanity, all of the creation, all of the construct of humanity, the building of systems comes from ‘inspiration.” ~Francois Vecchio
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on the Solari Report we publish our next addition to the Food Series with Harry Blazer – a four part interview with Francois Vecchio
Francois has more than 60 years of experience in the meat industry – specializing in French, German, Italian and Spanish traditional meat craftsmanship.
From 1962-1980, François owned and operated his family’s company in Switzerland. In 1981, he moved to California and introduced European-style salumi to the west coast, first, working with Busseto Foods, then with Columbus Salame Company and Niman Ranch. Francois currently mentors award-winning artisans and chefs in the United States and Canada and gives curing workshops in the United States.
This conversation is significant – rich with insights about our food system and its impact on life and culture in the United States and Europe. Vecchio is truly a master of his craft. I listened to all four parts on a long drive across the Southwest – and I was absolutely enthralled. I am particularly grateful to Harry for capturing Vecchio’s wisdom for the Solari Report Food Series.
This is the last week of the month, so no Money & Markets for this week. It is Thanksgiving in the US, and I will be with Franklin Sanders and his family for a worship service and a Thanksgiving dinner. Keep your questions coming and I will answer them next week.
If you feel like a great food documentary this week, I recommend City of Gold about LA Times food critic Jonathan Gold’s love affair with ethnic food in one of America’s great melting pots.
Giving thanks for you!
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