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Read the transcript of Solari Report Special: The Trump Transition with Dr. Joseph Farrell here (PDF)
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“When you turn trillions of equity investment, the question is whether or not you get a positive return to investors and taxpayers. You need to get a positive return on BOTH.” ~Catherine Austin Fitts
By Catherine Austin Fitts
For those sending questions about the Trump Transition, I covered the key Cabinet picks – including Treasury, Commerce and State – and the major risks ahead on last week’s Money and Markets on the Solari Report.
Your response was so that I invited Dr. Joseph Farrell to join me for a discussion of the Trump Transition. We will publish this special interview on Thursday.
Items in our discussion include:
- The Economic Team: Mnuchin at Treasury; Ross at Commerce.
- Military and Enforcement: Mattis at Defense, Flynn as NSA, and Sessions at DOJ.
- Winners and Losers, and why Goldman Sachs stock is leading the market. Is the team that engineered the financial coup d’etat going now to engineer the second leg of a financial round trip? Why are the stocks of gun companies getting hammered?
- Differentiating Between US Oligarchs: Pigs, Scardey Cats and Titanic Turners.
- State Department Contenders: Looking for candidates in the Mormon and oil and gas intelligence and investment networks vs. Guliani’s loyalty and contributions to the team. Will a dark horse be the solution?
- The Pence-Prebius-Ryan-McConnell juggernaut – can it make tax reform real?
- Why the WSJ Idea for Gingrich is brilliant.
- Carson at HUD – good idea or not? What are the chances that the Democrats block Dr. Carson’s nomination in the Senate confirmation?
- Total Economic Returns – Positive return on investment to investors and taxpayers? More on the productivity backlash and the turn in the bond market.
- Outlook for Obamacare and Common Core.
- The Democrats – What’s Next?
- The Globalists – spillover in Europe, the war on cash, and the upcoming gathering at Davos during the inauguration.
- Call to Taiwan and South Sea Politics – is this why Xi Jinping is going to Davos?
- The Fake News bru-ha-ha, recounts, toll boothers, and cultural bubbles – the noise and drama and what it means in terms of real power and money.
- Free and Independent Media – Pulling together an open-source discussion to create a more detailed vision for Make America Great Again and to ensure real legal and financial performance and accountability.
- What’s the action for you and me?
This discussion is highly recommended for subscribers interested in upcoming changes in economic policy and the impact on financial markets in 2017.
Related Reading:
The US Presidential Election: The Productivity Backlash
Introduction to Rudolf Steiner with T.H. Meyer (See Money & Markets)
2nd Qtr Wrap Up: Theme: Productivity, Prosperity & the Popsicle Index
Rappoport, Farrell & Fitts on the US Presidential Election
Who Could Be in Trump’s Cabinet?