Transcript of Catherine’s 12.01.11 Interview of Foster Gamble Available to Subscribers

A transcript of Catherine’s December 1, 2011 interview of Foster Gamble and discussion of the new film Thrive is now available to Solari Report Subscribers!

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From the transcript:

Before I finish Money and Markets I want to turn to our hero of the week and you won’t be surprised to know that of course it’s Foster Gamble. So let me introduce Foster to you. I met Foster and his remarkable wife Kimberly in 2006 when they were filming Thrive. They began filming then and I was introduced by Adam Trombly who the subscribers know. We’ve had Adam on The Solari Report twice this year and those interviews have really developed quite a remarkable following among Solari Report subscribers for Adam. I stayed in touch with Foster and Kimberly and communicated with them as they continued to work on Thrive and Thrive evolved, and I’ve become extremely committed to seeing their effort succeed. So I just warn you I have an important prejudice here.

I think if I could underscore one word for why I feel this documentary and this effort is so important, the word is coherence. This is the most coherent effort yet in a video or documentary or even – that I know of – text form to create a real breakout, breakthrough pathway to a very different future than the reality track we’re headed on now. For many years I’ve found myself very much on an individual pathway. I keep trying to network with other people and other groups, but every time I try they self-censor. They self-censor into right versus left or democrat versus republican or, “Oh, we can’t look at that topic. That’s too far out.”

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