A transcript of Catherine’s February 16, 2012 interview of Jo Kline Cebuhar is now available to Solari Report Subscribers!
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From the transcript:
Catherine: I’d like to introduce our very, very special guest tonight: Jo Kline Cebuhar. Jo is the author of a wonderful book on health care proxies and living wills. I’ve linked to it from the blog. She is an attorney and lives in Iowa. She also served as chairman of the largest hospice organization in Iowa, and hospices are just one – if you’ve ever been in a hospice, if you’ve ever had a family member need a hospice, you know what extraordinary institutions they are and what an extraordinary difference they make. We looked – I had my wonderful production assistant, Mike Linton, who’s a professor, very brilliant, do a search, because it’s extremely important on this topic that you have somebody very experienced and very clear-thinking.
I’ve read her book. I have to tell you it’s absolutely sensational. I’ve looked at a lot of materials that try and cover this subject. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s very detailed. It’s very clear-thinking. This is somebody who knows a lot about this subject and has thought a lot about it and knows a lot of stories of what can go right and wrong. It’s a reminder, you know, as those of you who know me know, I’ve known a lot of attorneys in my life, and there’s nothing more dreadful than a bad attorney; and frankly, there’s nothing more wonderful than a great attorney.
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