Transcript of Catherine’s Interview of Macaco Tamerice Available to Subscribers

A transcript of Catherine’s June 7, 2012 interview of Macaco Tamerice on Ecovillages is available to Subscribers!

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From the transcript:

Catherine: We’re going to be talking with Macaco Tamerice who is coming to us from Italy. We’ve had all sorts of experiments this morning on how to get her recorded and online. So this time we’re doing something unusual. We’re recording through Skype. I met her in Switzerland last year at a wonderful conference at the Top of the Alps and was unbelievably impressed at her ability to communicate about this world of ecovillages and a whole dynamic and movement which is growing very dynamically all over the world.

This is a subject which I think is of interest to many of our subscribers so I was delighted that she took time from her very business schedule to join us. She is not only a member and a leader – First of all she’s an artist, a very gifted musician and involved in her own ecovillage, her community of Damanhur in northern Italy. But she’s also assumed the Presidency of GEN, the Global Ecovillage Network. And that keeps her traveling the world and very busy.

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