Transcript of Equity Overview with Chuck Gibson: Yields and Volatility of Stocks vs. Bonds is now available to Subscribers!
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From the transcript:
Catherine Austin Fitts: And now we turn to the “Second Quarter Equity Market Review.” In a moment I’m going to bring in Chuck Gibson, who is someone who needs no introduction on the Solari Report. Chuck is the managing member of Financial Perspectives in Pleasanton, California in the San Francisco Bay Area. He’s also managing member and my partner at Sea Lane Advisory. If you’re not familiar with Chuck’s work, check out our Equity Market Library. There’s great analysis on equity markets from previous quarters.
Chuck has outdone himself on his presentation for this Solari Report. There are big questions facing us in the economy, in the worlds and in the market, and they play out as you watch the equity markets. We’re going to be talking about them today. Chuck has made some fantastic charts. You’ll be following them on Instant Teleseminar. If for any reason you can’t, they’ll be up on the blog.