Transcript of “Halloween Special: Solari Zombie Report” is now available to Subscribers!
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From the transcript:
Catherine Austin Fitts: So at last, for Halloween we’re having our special report on zombies. As many of you know, I’ve been shaking my head and trying to understand this thing. I feel like there’s something really important going on that we all need to think about, but it’s kind of had me stumped. Anyway, so we’re going to talk about what zombies are, why are they so popular, what does that signify, and what does it mean to you. So here’s my take on the whole thing.
The zombie phenomenon has a very big tent. It’s been going on for a while in art and fiction and reality. There are many different definitions of zombies. There are many different ways of creating zombies. There are a lot of different kinds of zombie characters, but let’s just look at a few definitions. So first, let’s talk about the undead. I think this is a real issue, not to pretend that I understand it.