A transcript of Catherine’s September 1, 2011 interview of Dr. Samuel Milham on “Dirty Electricity: Are You Paying Your Utility Bill With Your Life?” is now available to Solari Report Subscribers!
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From the transcript:
Our hero tonight, not surprisingly because you know this is my way of doing it, is Dr. Samuel Milham. Dr. Milham is someone who spent a lifetime trying to get to the bottom of what is making us not healthy and what we can do about it. If you read his book, “Dirty Electricity,” which you’ll find out that this comes from a lifetime of work, it’s just another stirring example of the fact that there are a tremendous number of people out there who are doing great stuff who really are heroes. You tend not to hear about them through the corporate media because the information they are bringing to light is not necessarily what is good for corporate profits…
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