By Catherine Austin Fitts
You need to take note of what is happening to the US dollar. It is strong and could get much stronger. The BBC today discuses the possibility of an even stronger dollar here.
This situation had me responding to an online discussion of financial gurus who think the dollar is weak and going to collapse. Here goes my three responses.
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Control comes from the ability to control physically – the ability to control the sea and satellite lanes. Ability to kill with impunity. To kill your children. To listen to all your information. Then kill your reputation. To turn entrainment on and off on the media. To kill your mind or your will.
The system is entirely dependent on war and slavery – in their various forms. Fear. Intimidation. Hard to appreciate slavery until you see someone paid $1 million plus a year who is, in fact, dancing to the string of the person who has their control file, or is mind controlled.
The Fed’s power is its power to finance those who control physically and to offer additional invisible routes of control by more subtle means. That power is delegated from Goldman, Morgan, etc whose operations achieve the financing for those who delegate the power to them.
So if you want to follow the trail back, the primary governance question on planet earth is: WHO HAS THE BIGGEST, MOST EFFECTIVE GUN? WHO HAS THE MOST POWERFUL TECHNOLOGY TO EFFECT PHYSICAL CONTROL AND TO KILL?
These are questions I do not know the answer to, but I keep looking – which is why I appreciate these e-mails and discussions.
Trying to answer these questions leads to questions about the highest tech hardware in the skies and below the ground and about our real history – a very unfashionable place for financial gurus to go — which is why we spend so much time going around and around about bureaucracies like the Fed.
The question is what do the guys with the biggest guns want, what do they know that we don’t know and what are they willing to do to effect global control.
Why did these people not stand up and walk out:
And is this scenario a feasible scenario:
Just as the gold at $50,000 is a feasible scenario.
And what is the power of human and spiritual consciousness to overwhelm material force? I say yes, but that is on faith alone.
These are the questions. Until I have the answers I am loathe to predict what will happen. I prefer to focus on making sure those I am responsible to protect do the best possible in the world as it is and is unknown.
I am not saying the dollar is strong. You keep thinking I am trying to say that it is or support the US leadership. That is not what I am saying at all.
I am saying that the US dollar’s continued existence and application has been and is almost entirely a derivative of a military operation which we do not yet understand. That said, to try to understand what may happen to the dollar requires understanding that operation and what its powers, intelligence and goals are.
Another way to say it is that its value is set politically, not financially or economically and to continue to discuss it as an economic and financial phenomenon is absurd.
It is a valueless mechanism used to control and extract various forms of economic value – to tax.
Whether its price goes up or down in the future depends on how effective the military operation is.
Since I don’t know understand the military operation, my assessment is that the scenarios of what could happen is wide – anything this controlled and leveraged with no daily grounding through fundamental market economics – can produce very extreme possibilities.
Right now, without access to the information we need to understand the governance system and its goals, certainty is our enemy.
The value of $1.00 is $0.10 economics and $0.90 politics.
So predicting whether or not that $0.10 is going to fall in value is useful, but not sufficient
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