“Life is to be greatly valued and cherished. Health is the most precious asset in life.” ~ Yuan Tze
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Continuing in the thread of things I love, I wanted to say a few words about Yuan Gong, a form of Qigong.
In 1997, I woke up very early in the morning in my hotel in Shanghai. I walked to the french doors and looked out over the park. The morning sun glimmered through hundreds of Chinese doing Tai Chi together. It was breathtakingly beautiful, this sight of hundreds of people flow in a form of dance together. I thought to myself, “someday I will learn how to do that.”
In the Spring, one of my subscribers returned from a retreat with Yuan Tze, the founder of Yuan Gong. She was glowing. After many discussions, I asked her how I could learn the practice. She sent me to her teacher, Dale Mirmow. I took a private class from Dale, bought the Yaun Gong practice video and have loved this ever since.
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I cannot tell you how it works or why it works. All I can tell you is that it does work. Yuan Gong is doing excellent things for my mental and physical health. The only negative is I find myself castigating myself for skipping the practice on the days that my schedule is pressed. I am assured, however, that I don’t have to do the full session. If I can only do 10 minutes, then do that.
This is something you can do anytime, any place. And yes, Tai Chi is still on the list – but I’m getting closer!
For those of you who are interested and in the Bay Area, I have added Dale’s class schedule below.