Watch the 1st Quarter Wrap Up Presentation
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Audio Chapters
Theme “Spring Fever”
Reorganizing the Global Consumer Catherine discusses the global shift in consumerism that has been occurring over the last several years.
Global Geopolitics Discussion of current geopolitical dynamics currently at play. Catherine discusses the dance in Ukraine as well as the issues surrounding Fukushima.
USA Discussion of recent developments closer to home.
Money & Markets QE, the Dollar and the Shift to a Digital Currency. A discussion on the latest developments at the Fed and the Bitcoin experiment as well as housing and the rise of Alibaba.
Breakaway Your Breakaway – Some steps you can personally take to not become victimized by the system.
April 10: Precious Metals Market Report
April 17: Charles Hughes Smith
April 24: A Jon Rappoport Report
Subscriber Resources:
The Solari Report 1st Quarter Wrap-Up, 2014: Web Presentation (Catherine refers to it as the “comic book.”)
“I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.”
~Elvis Presley
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Oh, good! It’s time for the 1st Quarter Wrap Up.
For those of us in the United States, the first quarter is a time when businesses file taxes and we prepare our individual taxes for filing in April. It is a time of accountability, a time to balance the books. We make an enormous investment in supporting government, but how is that investment working? There are lessons to be learned as we do our calculations and send off our checks.
This week, I will cover the performance of financial markets over the first quarter and examine how capital flows relate to the most important trends and stories. This includes the growing tension in our financial relationship with government.
Our theme for 2014 is “break away.” I will touch on the steps we can take to create our own future instead of contributing to a vision, which serves the interests of central control.
Because the government which collects our taxes is listening to our phone calls and tracking our financial transactions, I will review The Lives of Others (German: Das Leben der Anderen) in Let’s Go to the Movies. This is a 2006 German film about the monitoring of East Germans by the Stasi, an East German secret police force, before the unification of Germany.
[arve url=”//www.youtube.com/embed/n3_iLOp6IhM” height=”242″ width=”325″ allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0″>
Please e-mail or post your questions and requests on the blog by Wednesday.