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Audio Chapters
Introduction Catherine introduces her 2nd Quarter Wrap Up for 2014
Theme This year’s theme is “Breakaway”. Tonight’s theme is “A Major Overhauling of Institutions”
1st Point The first point of the wrap up is “The Slow Burn Frays as the Fed Tapers.”
2nd Point The second point of the wrap up is “Sharing Our Neighborhood with The Breakaway Civilization.”
3rd Point The third point of the wrap up is “Rebalancing with China and the Emerging Markets Accelerate.”
4th Point The fourth point of the wrap up is “The Energy Model Evolves.”
5th Point The fifth point of the wrap up is “Smart Phones & Digital Currencies & Payment Mechanisms Are Growing in Importance.”
6th Point The sixth point of the wrap up is “The Drumbeats of War Are Rising.”
7th Point The seventh point of the wrap up is “Expect the Shift to Quality in the Financial Markets to Continue.”
Kiss & Quality Catherine discusses some of her investment philosophy.
Hero Our heroes for the 2nd Quarter are the Italian senator Domenico Scilipoti, and Saskia Stuiveling president of the Dutch National Court of Auditors
Let’s Go to the Movies! For Let’s Go to the Movies this week Catherine discusses the BBC TV series Salamander.
Coming Up & Closing
July 31: Equity Overview with Chuck Gibson
Aug 7: Dr. Joseph Farrell
August 14: Precious Metals with Franklin Sanders
Web Presentation
Subscription only: 2nd Quarter 2014 Wrap Up – Subscriber Resources
Previous Wrap Up Web Presentations:
“You’ll see some very interesting changes in your conception of reality. But you have to remain grounded at the same time. Because you are living in this world, in this form of reality. That’s the trick, to remain grounded.” Jack True, in interview with Jon Rappoport
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on The Solari Report, more on “breaking away” as I present my 2nd Quarter Wrap Up.
The first half of 2014 has been profoundly power shifting. I will review the most important events in the financial markets and geopolitical stories that highlight the primary trends impacting your time and finances. My goal is to help you see the strategic areas of investment opportunity and risk as they unfold within the events around us.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review the Belgian police thriller Salamander. Salamander has been been purchased by the BBC and is scheduled for an English-speaking remake. A fascinating case study in the nature of political governance and control in the 21st century, Salamander underscores the power and importance of “control files.” For those of you trying to understand the latest round of pedophilia scandals in England and how compromising pictures in the wrong hands can drive people to extremes, this one is for you.
Please make sure to post or e-mail your questions and comments. “Talk” to you Thursday!