Photo Credit: Subhashish Panigrahi
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The Solari Report 2013-10-10
Listen to the 3D Printing Interview MP3 audio file
The Solari Report 2013-10-10
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Audio Chapters
Theme “Leave the Complexity Behind”
Money & Markets In Money and Markets Catherine addresses the government shutdown, and the political movements involved. She also takes a look at the recent appointment of Janet Yellen as Fed Chief.
Financial Markets over 1 year Slide
Financial Markets over 3 months Slide
Hero Our heroes this week are the Fukushima workers who were sprayed by contaminated water and Darek Zulek who opened his hotel to us at the GlobalBEM conference.
Fukushima Water Spill Survivors Slide
Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
If Mr Global is going to transfer capital (substantially) from bonds into the stock market, would it not make sense, from their point of view, to crash the stock market first so that they can buy in cheap and diminish everyone else in the process, presumably gaining more control?
You mentioned when you were in the depths of litigation, etc., that you studied people who had survived (and not), and what made them successful or unsuccessful. Would you be willing to put up a list of resources? I feel in the coming years, it may get ugly and many others may benefit by being aware of this.
So Catherine, Why is the story about the woman with a child who runs through barricades in DC under the geopolitical section? What’s going on here?
Dear Catherine:
You’ve mentioned that you haven’t had a television for many years now, but you enjoy watching movies. With this in mind, how do you watch your movies?
Hi Catherine:
Just a follow up to the “new economy” that you foresee in our future. I pray you are correct as it sounds like the best plausible outcome to an otherwise tenuous situation. Two things that I can’t quite square at the moment—the affect of the strategy on decades of dumbing down the population, starting with the schools, and the major deterioration of the U.S. infrastructure, including the technological infrastructure.
Could you comment on:
1) the affect of the education system (and common core curriculum plans) on future technology expansion plans, and
2) plans and cost to develop the infrastructure to support the expansion.
If this is a planned two-tier society, what happens when control (of the lower strata) backfires—as you rightly suggest is happening?
On a different note, I am thinking about getting my nephew a 3d printer for Christmas. He is in a graduate physics program and I thought just having one might encourage him to experiment and become comfortable with the technology. I would appreciate any comments on a reasonably priced (both to buy and continue to use) home use printer?
Sure Catherine, you can read this on the Report!
Since the current Swiss social security system cannot be afforded either, it doesn’t matter – one way or the other, we ‘cannot’ afford it. As a bigger % of population gets older than 65, it gets more and more difficult to afford any pension schema for older folks, doesn’t it.
Currently, VAT is at 8% in Switzerland. Some EU countries have 20% or more. I guess by raising VAT we could actually afford it. Question is, do we want a non-conditional basic income. I guess, majority of Swiss voters will prefer a “conditions apply” schema!
I would rather lay off all those Government employees that judge people’s conditions and pay them a basic income! Then they would be force to actually do something useful for a living
Hi Catherine,
Looking forward to the 3D printing discussion you will have tonight.
I was wondering if you would comment on the dollar in your markets segment. There are currency historians that believe, with an 80% chance, that the dollar will remain the reserve currency for at least another 20 years.
A Chinese spokes person comment that their yuan couldn’t possibly replace the dollar as reserve currency for at least 25 to 40 years.
If the dollar will remain the reserve currency for another one or two generations — this is going to affect all of our investments and the way we invest. (Especially precious metals.)
Dear Catherine
Being s Swiss citizen, I want to explain this just a bit (I assume you don’t like it and I can see why).
Today citizens of Switzerland get $2,800 per month from the state under certain conditions, e.g. if you are over 65 or if you are disabled. And you get money when you lost your job, It is always under certain conditions. A student with poor parents might get money from the state too.
The new proposal is, you get $2,800 *unconditional*!
It focuses more on unconditional, than on the $2,800. The actual amount will/would be defined as part of a political process. The question is, conditional or unconditional.
Today, if you are disabled and you find a small job that you can do, tough luck, you loose your disability payment. So as a disabled person you better not try to be of any use to society.
And today, financing social security in Switzerland, is in difficulties, to say it mildly. Thus a new concept like this basic income, will fix a whole lot of other issues all at once.
And maybe a not unimportant detail: $2,800 per month is *not* enough to live in Switzerland. Costs are so high that most people will have to work anyway. Except their salary will be reduced by $2,800.
There is a socialist component in this proposal too. A minimum wage worker today, with say 3,000 francs salary would not consider working at the previous job for only 500 francs difference. He or she would ask for more money. In the end a low income person might get 4.000 francs, 1,000 more than previously.
Of course, the majority of Swiss people will turn this proposal down, when it will come for a vote (in a few years). But in the mean time, we will have lots of discussions in the media, about the current system and about the proposed system. This is, IMHO the only reason to call for a vote. To have discussions about the issue. It is a way to put something on the agenda, that otherwise wouldn’t be a discussion point. That’s how things work in the Swiss democracy.
Some politicians suggest that people should work not only till they reach 65, but till 67. And young people, when they graduate, they don’t find jobs. And if old people loose their job at the age of 50 or 60, they cannot find a job anymore. It doesn’t make sense if old people hang on to their jobs and graduated young people end up unemployed and jobless, get food stamps worth $2,800… Swiss food stamps
Why not pay $2’800 – unconditional, and no food stamps. At least they all can eat. Then, the lucky ones that find a job will earn more and will be able to spend more.
Another funny thing in Switzerland is this:
A separate proposal to limit monthly executive pay to no more than what the company’s lowest-paid staff earn in a year, the so-called 1:12 initiative, faces a popular vote on Nov. 24.
Managers complain, that their salary would have to be reduced. Nobody suggests to increase the salary of the low wage jobs to 1/12 of the high paid managers salary… Of course not!!
And, while it is on the radar of the media now up to Nov. 24, salaries of top bankers and mangers are discussed, sometimes even reduced and are an issue for “Joe the plumber”.
And in a few years we will have a law for 1:15 or 1:20…
Unconditional basic income for every Swiss adult is a way to free money from central banks for the poor people
Discussion Catherine discusses the 3D printing movement with her guest Onat Ekinci
Let’s Go to the Movies! Catherine reviews the PBS Offbook’s special on 3D Printing.
October 17: A Jon Rappoport Report
October 24: Equity Overview with Chuck Gibson: Emerging Markets 101
October 31: Solari Zombie Report
Subscriber Resources:
3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Ecosystem by Onat Ekinci
How to Make Almost Anything: The Digital Fabrication Revolution
Open Source Ecology with Marcin Jakubowski
Dale Dougherty on the Maker Movement
Send mail to Onat Ekinci
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
-Proverbs 17:22
By Catherine Austin Fitts
What is 3D printing and why is everyone making such a big fuss about it?
According to Wikipedia:
“3D printing is a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model. 3D printing is achieved using an additive process, where successive layers of material are laid down in different shapes. …It has been speculated that 3D printing may become a mass market item because open source 3D printing can easily offset their capital costs by enabling consumers to avoid costs associated with purchasing common household objects.”
This week, I’ll be joined by Onat Ekinci to discuss 3D printing and the revolution underway in fabrication technology.
Onat’s experience covers a wide range of areas including robotics, aerospace and energy — he is an engineer and founder of Innovation Rex. Onat has a gift for understanding the multiple innovations that are reinventing the world around us. He’s prepared a special presentation on 3D printing and on the “3D ecosystem” which you can find in the subscriber section of this blog post.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, my pick is PBS Offbook’s introduction to 3D printing. Here it is!
In Money & Markets, the impact of the budget shutdown on the financial markets gives us lots to talk about.
I hope you’ll join us on the Solari Report.