By Catherine

The Stories of Uluru

“Tell me a story. In this century, and moment, of madness, tell me a story. Make it a story of great distances, and starlight. The

By Catherine

The Race to Call the Top

By Catherine Austin Fitts I wonder who flipped the switch. Apparently last week spin central sent out the e-mail blast, telling everyone to call the

By Catherine

The Entrapment Machine

“All government money comes with a sock in the jaw.” ~ Franklin Sanders By Catherine Austin Fitts While I was at the gym this weekend

By Catherine

Has MIT Lost Its Mind???

“Lord, what fools these mortals be!” ~ William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Nights Dream And who, exactly, is “WE?” Inquiring minds would like to know… —

By Catherine

Catherine’s letter to FDA

Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305) Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane Rm.1061 Rockville, MD 20852 RE: Docket No. FDA-2002-N-0323” Ladies and Gentlemen: I am