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2. Theme – 2:07 Global Shopping Sweepstakes
3. Money & Markets – 9:33 The events of the world can be very overwhelming and difficult to digest. In Money & Markets, Catherine makes this weeks’ news a bit more palatable.
4. Hero – 15:28 Our hero this week is Richard Mack the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona and a two-time candidate for the U.S. Congress.
5. Ask Catherine – 16:32 Catherine answers subscribers questions.
6. Interview – 19:53 Catherine is joined again by attorney Alan Phillips, author of The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions.
7. Let’s Go to the Movies! – 1:08:55 Catherine reviews the documentary The Greater Good which explores the controversy that surrounds childhood immunizations.
January 31 Jon Rappaport’s Special Report: The Sandy Hook Mystery
February 7 Coming Clean: Detox Power with Dr. Laura Thompson
February 14 Precious Metals and Market Report with Franklin Sanders
“We are changing our genetic code through vaccination.” –Guylaine Lanctot M.D.
By Catherine Austin Fitts
There is nothing like a fine lawyer when you need one – particularly when the issue is sensitive and complex and the stakes are high. So I am delighted that we will be speaking this Thursday on the Solari Report with attorney Alan Phillips, author of The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions.
Alan joined us on the Solari Report in 2009 when many of us were concerned about efforts to mandate a swine flu vaccine. Since the failure of those efforts, the pressure to mandate vaccines for health care professionals has grown, as well as the pressure on parents from school systems.
“Coming Clean” is our theme for 2013. This Solari Report is part of our “Coming Clean” series. Subscribers have said they wish to avoid vaccines, but don’t know how to handle various legal, regulatory and professional obstacles. At your request, we have asked Alan to return to help you understand the law and latest developments in this area.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review “The Greater Good”, a 2011 documentary about childhood immunizations which attempts to present points of view from both pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine groups as it tells the story of three families whose lives have been forever changed by vaccination. You see how vaccination can unravel the health of a child and, in so doing, unravel and financially bankrupt a family.
[arve url=”//player.vimeo.com/video/44282560″ width=”678″ height=”381″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
I will start with Money and Markets and Ask Catherine. Please post your questions on the blog.
This will be an important Solari Report – I hope you will join us!
Talk to you Thursday!