Nick Bryant on Pedophilia & Politics

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The Solari Report 2012-07-19

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Nick Bryant Interview

Audio Chapters

1. Introduction & Theme – 0:00   Nick Bryant, Pedofilia and Politics. Theme: Having the future. The World is broken up by people grumbling about how things are and people who want to build to the future. We need to take responsibility and work together. Divide and conquer issues, setting races, generations, and people against one another. Be careful because we want to bring transparency without harming good things around us.

2. Money & Markets – 03:55   Lead story is the weird weather. Drought, what’s it going to do to food prices and water? Chemtrails: Major conference in LA called Conciousness Beyond Chemtrails. Available on the web and through our blog. Romney campaign twists in the wind with a disastrous trip abroad. EU criminalizing commodities pricing. We’ve been manipulating precious metal pricing for a decade so this seems interesting all of a sudden. How can you enforce something that is delegated by the state and government? China swells and stimulus to stop its slowing down. They’re tied with U.S. for gold metals. 18 each. U.S. economy’s focus is still on jobs. 2nd focus is government corruption. Propaganda over budgets is inaccurate and intentionally misguided. “No money” view is a lie. There still are hard truths that need to be faced. More interest in where our money is going. State parks searched and found 50 million that was missing.

3. Food & Health – 13:43   Genetically altered mushrooms stolen and used to produce electricity for a village. Great article on whistle blowers inside the FDA.

4. Wildcards – 14:19   UFO over London Olympics on MSN. What is up with the media?

5. Ask Catherine – 14:32   No questions in Ask Catherine.

6. Solari Hero – 14:41   This week’s hero is Nick Bryant for his courage and monumental determination to see this investigation through until the end.

7. Interview – 15:46   Stepping back and understand pedophilia will help understand how control is engineered. So how did Nick come to start this investigation? With so many ties to powerful people in Washington, why hasn’t this been brought to mainstream media? What can we do to protect ourselves and our children from the child trafficking network? To find out more or support Nick Bryant visit his site at

8. Up Next & Closing – 1:01:06   Coming up next week is the Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders, following will be Jon Rappoport for Best Books pt 2. Then Aug 23, Chuck Gibson, Equity and Markets. Technology and the look from Silicone Valley.

Related Reading:

Is Penn State Pedophilia Tied to the Franklin Coverup?

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This Thursday on the Solari Report, I will be talking with Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal 

Two stories have brought the topic of pedophilia front and center.  The first story involves continuing allegations regarding priests and children in the Catholic Church worldwide. It is now estimated that the Catholic Church has paid out more than $3 billion in settlements related to sex abuse allegations in North America alone. Eight Catholic diocese have declared bankruptcy due to the related expense, including those in Tucson, Spokane, Portland, Davenport, Iowa and San Diego.  The second story involves a sex scandal in the athletic program at Penn State University.

While these two ongoing scandals have received significant attention in the corporate media, they barely hint as to the real phenomenon of pedophilia and child sex slavery in America. There is, however, one story that has been the subject of serious investigative journalism that offers rare insight into the phenomenon. That is the story of the Franklin Scandal.

Nick Bryant describes his book on the Franklin scandal as the “story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring in 1990, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks. The legislators’ efforts resulted in rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering corruption of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Justice Department, effecting an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.”

The Franklin scandal was a story that touched me personally. In the spring of 1989, as Assistant Secretary of Housing, I was ordered to award government grants illegally and refused. I believed that the Cabinet Secretary who ordered me was being blackmailed. It was only later reading about the Franklin scandal that I realized that he had been implicated as the scandal attracted headlines in one of the leading Washington newspapers at that time.

I will be speaking with Nick about his courageous efforts to investigate and document the Franklin scandal, about pedophilia and control files and what all of this has to do with the real governance system operating globally today.

I will start with Money & Markets and Ask Catherine. Please post your questions for Nick and me at the blog.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, a comment on the documentary about the Franklin scandal,Conspiracy of Silence

(Part 2),
(Part 3),
(Part 4),
(Part 5),
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(Part 7)

Talk to you Thursday!