Read the Transcript
Read the transcript of Open Source Ecology with Marcin Jakubowski (PDF Part 1) (PDF Part 2)
Listen to the Complete MP3 audio file
Download the Complete MP3 audio file
Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file
Download the Money & Markets MP3 audio file
Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file
Download the Interview MP3 audio file
[Note from CAF: Marcin and I continued to talk after we did the interview. I described my background
and interest in place based development. (See first audio link) Then I discussed the project management
system that I used to do complex transactions (See second audio link) Marcin asked that we record it so
he could use the tape to listen again and communicate it. For those of you who may be interested, we
posted it here]
Listen to Part 1 audio file
Download Part 1 audio file
Listen to Part 2 audio file
Download Part 2 audio file
“What is relevant is what solves the problem. If we had thought through real relevancies, we would be on Sirius by now.” ~Sir Peter Medawar
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Are you ready to be inspired?
This Thursday we will post my interview with Marcin Jakubowski. Marcin is a physicist and technologist who became a farmer. After learning the economics of small farming in rural Missouri, Marcin started Open Source Ecology (OSE) to apply open source techniques to small farm and enterprise hardware. His vision of 50 open source blueprints is called the Global Village Construction Set – radically lowering the cost of machines and tools that ensure the success of small farms and communities.
After our interview, Marcin asked me more about background and approach and to brief him on the project management system I used to create open source design books for and implement large, complex financial transactions for government agencies. We recorded that discussion and will post it as well. The next thing you know, I participated in one of Marcin’s online Design Sprints the following weekend and plan to participate in future sprints.
Our movie this week is Marcin’s presentation at TED in 2011, “Open-sourced blueprints for civilization.” You can get a quick feel for the rich, rewarding effort that Marcin and his team at OSE are leading. There are many opportunities for you to plug in and participate both virtually and on site.
For our live discussion Thursday night, I will start with Money & Markets and Ask Catherine. Please post your questions on the blog.
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