Physics, Power and the Reinvention of Money

(Photo Credit: bluesideup)

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The Solari Report 2014-05-01

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The Solari Report 2014-05-01

Audio Chapters

Introduction Audio Player

ThemeAudio Player

“Its All Connected”

Money & MarketsAudio Player

In Money and Markets, Catherine discusses the U.S. GDP for Q1, she also discusses labor statistics and housing. Catherine also covers a divergence in the stock market and the underlying economy.

Hero Audio Player

Our Hero this week is Ma Yihe, inventor of a 3d Printer in China that can build 10 homes in one day.

Ask Catherine Audio Player

Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.

Question 1:

In conversation with friends tonight the following came up. It is about a cure for cancer. The funding was shut down. The prod-uct is apparently *not* patentable. If this seems viable, I would think it would be a great candidate for crowd funding.

Question 2:

Dear Catherine:

US troops in Poland?? Can war be far behind? What would it take to stop this mindless march to destruction? Is there any-thing we (Solari listeners) can do to head off this crisis?
Please comment.

What do you think will be the for-public-consumption reason giv-en for the implanted money microchip? My guess: identity theft (i.e., “there is no other way to stop this!”)

Question 3:

Dear Catherine:

With all the talk about secret space program, what do you think about the Laura Eisenhower, the granddaughter of the President Eisenhower? Especially her talk at Italy Disclosure Event: .

The topic seems so esoteric, if it wasn’t because her status as the granddaughter of a president and your recent talk about space programs, I would not given it a 2nd though. However, her presentation is eloquent and detailed, it really makes me wonder. In addition, what you think about Karen Hudes (whistle blower at the World Bank) Exposes the Coneheads at the Heart of Global Corruption

It seems like there are a lot of reputable people coming forward touching these kind of taboo topics. Wonder what you think about all that? Information or disinformation?

Have you thought about interviewing Laura on your show?

Question #4:

I don’t ever remember a time when the economic news has been so conflicting. Consumer confidence is up…no it’s down. The number of single-family home sales has been increasing…but wait, they’ve actually been decreasing now for several months. What’s your opinion on why we’ve been hearing such conflicting econom-ic reports?

Question #5:

ETFs, which have the benefits of trading like a stock, are said to have some tax advantages over mutual funds-is this true?

Mutual funds are said to be safer than ETFs What would be the safety advantages of mutual funds?

Greetings Catherine, thank you so much for making yourself avail-able. Recent publication of. Death of Money is a great read. I did however hear you mention that one thing is missed by many in the financial industry is that black budget manipulation and how it can delay such crisis as the Mortgage situation . now we deal with the Dollar being killed via spending and derivative markets. Was Ice-land and Cyprus test cases for the coming events in the USA such as Currency collapse Fed reserve dollar and the social outbreaks?

Question #6:

You had given me a bank in Connecticut recommended to store money and/or 90 silver U.S. coins. Also one perhaps In Massa-chusetts. Can u give me those banks again.
Also your opinion on Brinks in NYC , and a credit union, This C, U finances nyc taxi medallions is highly solvent. Melrose Credit Union. They have safety deposit boxes. I think it is a federally chartered C. U. thanks

Correction to earlier question on Melrose Credit Union. Its site it is NYS chartered.
“Since Melrose Credit Union has an open New York State charter there are no geographic or group affiliation field of membership restrictions. So, regardless of where you live or how you earn a liv-ing, you may qualify for membership. There is a $1.00 one time membership fee and a minimum opening deposit of $25.00. Indi-viduals must provide…..”

Let’s Go to the Movies! Audio Player

This week for Let’s Go to the Movies, Catherine reviews Dangerous Beauty; a movie about a woman in 16th-century Venice, who managed to outwit the Inquisition.

Closing Audio Player

May 8: Equity Report with Chuck Gibson

May 15: The Secret Space Program with Henrik Palmgren

May 22: Deep Survival with Laurence Gonzales

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Promoting Women, Part IV

Let’s Talk About “Sell in May and Go Away”

U.S. Aims to Defuse Tension Over Control of Internet

Giant Chinese 3D Printer Builds 10 Houses in Just 1 Day

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week on The Solari Report, Dr. Joseph Farrell joins me to discuss the deepest aspects of money and finance.

Our discussion weaves through Joseph’s excellent series on banking and money: Babylon Banksters, the Financial Vipers of Venice and Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age. We start with the physics that define our reality – from the alignment of the planets to economic cycles – and how they relate to ancient and modern governance systems, including currency and financial systems.

We explore the evolution of global leadership as an ancient international bullion elite evolves though ascendancy of medieval banking and the creation of insurance in Venice through the post WWII merger of Nazi leadership with the Anglo-American alliance.

We look at how these systems of hidden control relate to the current energy model as well as the development of digital technology and the creation of global digital currencies.  Last but not least we engage in – as Joseph describes it – some “high octane speculation” about what is going on in the gold market today.

This is Farrell at his best – integrating his powerful understanding of history, science and geopolitics to make sense of life on this crazy, wonderful planet.

In Money & Markets this week I will discuss current events and developments in the markets.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Dangerous Beauty, a movie about Veronica Franco, an Italian poet and courtesan in 16th-century Venice, who became a hero of Venice and later outwitted the Inquisition. While history makes the accomplishments of Venice look easy, this entertaining movie takes you in to the intimate risk involved in the geopolitics of  wealth.


Talk to you Thursday!