Solari Report Resources:
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
~ Mark Twain
By Catherine Austin Fitts
The more I speak with Solari Report subscribers, the more I feel the need to underscore the importance of certain aspects of the world in which we live:
- The global rebalancing of the economy is intentional. It is being led by an invisible governance structure which is reengineering us, our environment and the systems upon which we depend.
- Ultimately, governance of our political and financial systems are determined by force. The most powerful weapons today are invisible. These include invisible surveillance and mind control systems.
- Globalization and new technology have unleashed unprecedented change…and it has only just begun.
- In this environment, we are responsible to create our own free and inspired life. What we do and what we dream matters.
This week, I want to connect you with some of the best resources in the Solari Report libraries to help you 1) understand what is unfolding this fall and 2) navigate the road ahead. These include several of our recent Wrap Ups. Our quarterly and annual wrap ups are designed so that you can stay well-informed if they are the only news analysis you read all year!
If you have not accessed these Solari Reports, please use this next week to take advantage of some of our best resources. We will post the direct links in subscriber resources on Thursday. Of course, subscribers can access them anytime in our resource libraries.
Solari Report Resources:
- Entrainment, Subliminal Programming and Financial Manipulation
- Breakaway: The Shift from Global 2.0 to 3.0
- Global 3.0: Twelve Trends
- A Free & Inspired Life/Planet Equity
- Planet Debt
- Infrastructure: Conquest or Creation?
And for those looking for a great video, I continue to recommend Sir James Goldsmith’s 1994 warning about globalization – and I will continue to do so until every Solari Report subscriber is aware of it!
Sir James Goldsmith’s Globalization Warning:
If you’re not a subscriber yet, you can learn more about becoming one here.
Enjoy these resources. They will help you navigate the road ahead.