This audio seminar was recorded live on March 31, 2005 and is second of three in
the Precious Metals Miniseries.
"There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning
the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency."
—John Maynard Keynes (1919)
As a follow-on to Precious Metals 101, which was the first seminar in the Precious
Metals Miniseries, Catherine interviews precious metals expert Franklin
Sanders of The Moneychanger. This
program will cover the political and economic landscape of precious metals, both current
and historical, as a backdrop for developing your own strategy for including precious
metals in your transactions and investments. Catherine and Franklin will
focus particularly on the specifics of investing in silver and gold coins.
Franklin Sanders' well-known market scorecard, The Moneychanger Silver & Gold
Report, is one of those rare email newsletters that Catherine always reads. For more
background and to see a special subscription offer, please see A Moneychanger
Following the precious metals markets will help you learn how The Tapeworm
is draining our finances, and assist you in thinking through transformative strategies
to protect yourself, your family, and your community.

- Welcome
- Introducing Franklin
Sanders of The Moneychanger
- How to Buy Coins
- The Moneychanger and Scorecard
- Confiscation and Other Risks
- Solari Investor Circles
(MAPS, community currency,
global liquidity)
- Outlook for Silver, Coin, Dollar
- Question & Answer
- Invocation

We hope you will take a moment to familiarize yourself with the wikipedias on this
And read these tips from Franklin Sanders:
to Buy - the Ten Commandments For Buying Gold & Silver
Introduction and History
Market Data & Commentary Web Sites

Purchasing power of the dollar since the Federal Reserve was established in 1913
Special thanks to Nick Laird of Sharelynx Gold for creating this remarkable chart
and to James Turk of for giving it prominence!
Efforts to Organize Against Market Manipulation