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The Solari Report 2016-08-18
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The Solari Report 2016-08-18
August 25 – Solari Food Series – Pioneering Urban Farms with Will Allen
September 01 – Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders
September 08 – All the World is a Stage with Sofia Smallstorm
“It is difficult for a man to understand something if he’s paid not to understand it.” ~ Upton Sinclair.
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Jon Rappoport joins me this week to explore a phenomenon we are all grappling with – communicating with people who believe in realities that diverge from our own.
Everywhere we turn there is an “official narrative” or “official reality.” That “reality” often diverges painfully from the reality that we deal with day to day.
For those who reject the official narrative, it is easy to wander into a maze of other realities, of which many are equally divergent from our own and more misleading than the official reality.
Spice up the mix with professional disinformation, “divide and conquer” media, and entrainment and subliminal programming and other mind control techniques, and then our human communication can quickly become a puzzle palace that challenges the best of us.
This is a topic that fascinates me – however, I find it difficult to generalize. Communications in passing conversation are quite different from conversations involving health or financial decisions involving legal and financial risk. Managing communications about divergent realities at a cocktail party is very different from managing them with your spouse. Given the complexity of our society, the fact patterns expand quickly.
If there is one thing driving productivity lower in our society, it is the complexity, frustration, and loneliness that can arise with communications in this Orwellian soup. It is critical that we each develop strategies for navigating the challenges of communicating effectively with family, friends, and colleagues. It is one thing to be “in the know.” It is another thing to communicate effectively with those who are not and don’t want to be “in the know.”
For many years, I have turned to Jon Rappoport’s writings, audios, and consultations for help to understand these issues and to remain coherent in the midst of the “psychic storm.” Jon consistently inspires me to create my own reality, rather than falling into the pea soup of the official narrative designed to harvest us all. We close with a review of the great resources he offers at No More Fake News to help you do the same.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review “Seymour: An Introduction.” Directed by Ethan Hawke, the film describes the life and philosophy of Seymour Bernstein, who abandoned a rising career as a concert pianist to become a music educator and composer. Bernstein inspires us to appreciate how music is one of the great communicators.
I will address the latest market developments in Money & Markets. Email or post your questions for Ask Catherine here.
Talk to you Thursday!
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