What’s Up This Fall 2015?


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“This summer I was getting many questions, both on radio and Internet shows and from clients and subscribers, about all sorts of extreme scenarios predicted for fall 2015: everything from astrological calendars and four blood moons to ancient prophecies and predictions of financial collapse…”

Read the printed transcript of What’s Up This Fall 2015? here (PDF)

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The Solari Report 2015-09-03

Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2015-09-03

September 10 – The Student Loan Scam with Alan Michael Collinge

September 17 – The Offshore Financial System with Lucy Komisar

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“Rush hour cometh.”
~ Pastor Melvin Bufford, September 16, 2001

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The fall is always an intense period in the financial markets.

The agricultural harvest is still coming in – one of the great contributors to economic wealth. A good harvest multiplies throughout the economy – a poor harvest generates concerns.  The U.S. federal budget is in negotiation as are many other government budgets. Companies and organizations that are on a calendar year are focused on accomplishing results before year end. This is a time when a lot of decisions have to be made.

In one sense Fall 2015 is no different. On the other hand, change is accelerating and too many decisions have been delayed. Those decisions are made more difficult as plunging commodities prices and unprecedented debt levels contribute to deflation concerns.

All eyes are on the Federal Reserve in September as they consider an increase in interest rates as well as Congress as they consider the Iran deal, the new federal budget and raising the debt limit.  The Pope will address a joint session of Congress and the UN followed on by a gathering of world leaders scheduled to address the United Nation’s General Debate of the 70th Session in New York City, including Obama, Xi Jinping, Putin, Hollande and Rouhani.

Ever since I published What’s Up This Fall 2015? I have been reviewing the schedule of events with colleagues and subscribers. It’s time to organize this discussion into a Solari Report.

We are heading into a gauntlet full of opportunities and risks. Let’s look ahead and prepare over the Labor Day weekend.

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In our Let’s Go to the Movies segment this week, I recommend the documentary, Deli Man. I grew up in Philadelphia and lived in New York for eleven years. Five star restaurants are wonderful. However, for me there is no finer place to dine than a Jewish deli. This documentary explains the history and takes you into the world of some of the greatest family restaurants of all time. You will find food and culture designed to nourish you in times of great stress. Matzah ball soup anyone?

I’ll talk to you this Thursday! If you’re not a subscriber yet, you can become one here.