Solari Food Series – Amazon Buys Whole Foods with Harry Blazer

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The Solari Report 2017-08-03

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The Solari Report 2017-08-03

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Audio Chapters

Introduction Audio

Theme Audio The theme this week is “As More Money Goes Missing the US Dollar Index Takes a Swan Dive”.

Money & Markets Audio This week in Money & Markets, Catherine discusses the latest in market movements and geopolitical events.

Hero Audio Our hero this week is Jim Marrs.

Let’s Go to the Movies! Audio Catherine reviews the film Goldman Sachs – Power and Peril.

Discussion Audio Catherine discusses her interview with Harry Blazer.

Ask Catherine Audio Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.

Closing Audio

August 10th – Strong Towns with Chuck Marohn

August 17th – Winning the Fight for Health Freedom with Scott Tips

August 24th – Entrainment, Subliminal Programming and Financial Manipulation with Adam Trombly (Rerunning)

Subscriber Links:

Amazon’s Stranglehold: How the Company’s Tightening Grip Is Stifling Competition, Eroding Jobs, and Threatening Communities

Report: How Amazon’s Tightening Grip on the Economy Is Stifling Competition, Eroding Jobs, and Threatening Communities

Why is Amazon loaning its sellers money-

What Will Service Work Look Like Under Amazon- – The New York Times

Whole Foods purchase should scare any retailer not named Amazon

What Amazon’s Whole Foods deal means for grocers – Opinion – Retail Week

Jet president makes case for fresh

Here’s how the Amazon effect is hitting the apparel industry

For Solari- Reflections on the proposed Whole Foods purchase by Amazon

Amazon Welcomes You To The New World Order- Reflections On The Whole Foods Acquisition –, Inc. (NASDAQ-AMZN) – Seeking Alpha

Amazon wasn’t the only company that tried to buy Whole Foods – TechCrunch

Amazon wants to become Walmart before Walmart can become Amazon – TechCrunch

Amazon Said to Plan Cuts to Shed Whole Foods’ Pricey Image – Bloomberg

Amazon launches Prime Reload, offering 2% back on purchases funded through debit cards – TechCrunch

Amazon Launches Cloud Marketplace for Spy Agencies –

Amazon Is Trying to Control the Underlying Infrastructure of Our Economy – Motherboard

Amazon hires gadget experts for door-to-door smart home installs, taking on Best Buy’s Geek Squad – GeekWire


“Amazon only has about 100 distribution centers in the US. This will bring it to 560….About 90 percent of Amazon Prime shoppers live within 10 miles of a Whole Foods store, and that’s also a big plus.” ~Phil Lempert on Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week on The Solari Report, Harry Blazer joins me to discuss the most significant acquisition of 2017 to date – Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods for $13.7 billion.

Harry built the largest fresh food market in the country and sold it to Whole Foods in 2001. Since then he has served as a fresh food consultant to many of the top grocers in North America and Europe. No one else is better positioned to help us understand this acquisition and what it means to the ferocious competition for the US food and grocery market.

Harry and I cover this deal from many aspects – the grocery industry, the shift of retail markets on line, part of what I call the shift from Global 2.0 to 3.0, the impact on the politics of GMO and GMO labeling, the impact on state and local government and the postal service, on entrepreneurs and small business, investors and, of course, on you and me.

Our last annual wrap up published in January The Global Harvest and What it Means to Investors is excellent background for understanding what is happening in the race to “own” what we eat.

In Money & Markets this week I will discuss the latest in financial and geopolitical news, including the dangerous developments in Congressional approved sanctions and what it signals regarding the loss of US sovereignty, the health care melt down and the President’s latest appointments.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review “Goldman Sachs – Power and Peril,” CNBC’s 2010 investigation of Goldman Sachs. Goldman continues to be in the news. It is the investment bank representing Amazon on the Whole Foods purchase while the White House hires yet another Goldman alum, communications director Anthony Scarammuci.

Talk to you Thursday!

The Solari Food Series:

Introducing the Solari Food Series

Vital Soils, The Foundation of Life, Part I

Pioneering Urban Farms with Will Allen

Vital Soils, the Foundation of Life, Part II

The Future of Biodynamic and Organic Farming

Francois Vecchio – Charcutier, Salumiere, Wurstmeister

A Culinary History of Christmas

An Urban Homestead with Anais Dervaes