11 • Book Review: Follow the Money: A Citizen’s Guide to Local Government • Solari Report: Unpacking Your Local Ecosystem • Mapping Your Local Financial Ecosystem We can also encourage local and independent media to “follow the money” to make it easier to monitor how the money works around us. Federal Representation: In choosing your Congressional representatives, you can require loyalty to the United States by never voting for a candidate who holds dual citizenship and by demanding that your Con- gressional representatives move to outlaw dual citizenship in Congress, the military, and the executive branch. This requirement should also include any contractors or contractor personnel providing classified national security functions or handling telecommunications, accounting, or financial information or payment systems. Such dual citizenship represents an unaccept- able conflict of interest that, in my opinion, has contributed significantly to a deterioration of the US financial condition in violation of the Appropriations Clause of the US Constitution. You need to help publish lists of any politicians, members of the military, and government offi- cials who maintain dual citizenship. With such a list, we must specifically target these people and insist that they resign or give up their dual citizenship. If they do not comply, let’s make sure that they are not re-elected. You need to know why your candidates have signed the AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Af- fairs Committee) pledge and refuse to vote for any Congressman who has signed such a pledge. Let’s also publish a list of all politicians who have signed an AIPAC pledge and challenge them on their conflicts of interest. You need to know why a Congressional can- didate has voted appropriations for agencies that refuse to comply with the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution and US financial management laws. Demand that these candi- dates comply and require an accounting and return of all undocumentable adjustments at any agencies for which they have oversight or appropriation responsibilities. If they do not, it is time to replace them. Here is one of my letters to a Tennessee Congressman to help you ensure accountability from your Congressman: • Letter to Congressman Van Hilleary (R-Tenn) You also need to demand that your elected representatives force government agencies to provide local transparency regarding the US federal budget and contracting budgets. Here is a letter to my Congressman to help you write such letters: • Open Letter to My Congressman In addition, demand that Congress provides online, open source simulations to all citizens of the pro forma financial impact of all proposed legislation for a period of 10 days before a vote may be taken. Most importantly, you need to stop being afraid of retaliation for holding your elected represen- tatives responsible. Instead, you need to insist that 10 of your friends, family, and colleagues join you in taking these actions and that they ask 10 more people to join them. There is strength in numbers – come into your power. Enforcement: Please make sure that you understand and ap- preciate the Constitutional powers of your local sheriff and ensure that the best possible person is elected to that office in your county. • Solari Report: Who’s Your Sheriff? In choosing your Congres- sional representatives, you can require loyalty to the United States by never voting for a candidate who holds dual citizenship and by demanding that your Congressional representa- tives move to outlaw dual citizenship in Congress, the military, and the executive branch. PLEASE NOTE: All the bulleted items (in blue) listed in this section can be accessed by going to the online version of this Wrap Up at: www. Solari.com, then use the search function to locate the items.