35 C. Austin Fitts: It’s going to take all of us and that is what is important for everyone. Cynthia McKinney: We can crowdsource our solution. C. Austin Fitts: That’s right! We’re going to crowdsource Constitutional enforcement. Cynthia McKinney: Yes! C. Austin Fitts: And it can be done. It’s better than dying. We simply have to figure out how to have fun crowdsourcing our Constitutional enforcement. Each one of us can come clean in a way that energizes our lives. The other thing we can all do in every aspect of our lives is support the 5-10%. We are the Titanic Turners and let’s support them wherever we can. If you are part of an alumni network – let’s say you’re a leader in raising money for your university and the slugs are in charge – you can change your support. You can do it at state and local levels, and in the federal government. You can do it in civic organizations and you can do it in business. If you’re working for a Ziocon company, get the hell out! Cynthia McKinney: Regarding the phe- nomenon that most people think Congress is certainly bad but that their congress person is very good: when I was asked to do some com- mentary on the Jon Osoff/Karen Handel race, I looked at one thing that made me a whis- tleblower and that was the pledge that I had to sign, essentially giving my loyalty to another country – which was Israel. C. Austin Fitts: AIPAC gave you that? Cynthia McKinney: AIPAC, of course, but they have changed the tactic now. C. Austin Fitts: They didn’t want to give you a passport; they only wanted the signature? Cynthia McKinney: Yes, however, now they require every candidate for Congress to issue a statement. You can go on Karen Handel’s website, and see her Israel statement. You can go on Jon Osoff ’s website, and see his Israel statement. One tool that people can use is the public statement on Israel that incumbent candidates or challengers post. If a candidate signs it, make sure that they are voted out of office. C. Austin Fitts: So how do I find that? Cynthia McKinney: It will be on their website. C. Austin Fitts: On AIPAC’s website? Cynthia McKinney: No, on the candidate’s website. If Sue Smith is running for House of Representatives from Kansas and if Sue Smith has a statement about Israel, you know that she signed the pledge, and you don’t vote for her. C. Austin Fitts: Right. So how do you do it if they’ve signed the Pilgrim pledge? Those are secret. Cynthia McKinney: I don’t know very much about the Pilgrim pledge. C. Austin Fitts: We need an underwriting capacity here. Cynthia McKinney: The only thing that I can say is that when given the choice to choose between a group of people who don’t care about the United States and a group of people who do care about the United States, I have no choice but to make a choice, and I choose to stand with the people who care about the United States. C. Austin Fitts: Clearly there are some groups of Americans, some of which I believe are in the Pilgrim group, but a lot of whom have oper- ational responsibility to make the United States function and who understand that we can’t afford to let the United States collapse. Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. C. Austin Fitts: They know that if we don’t have that piece of real estate and the security that it provides and the wealth that it provides, we are in serious trouble. The Neocons and some of the Pilgrims don’t care; they’re that psychopathic that they think they can be fine. But you have others who are not psychopathic, and they know. They may play ‘follower’ in this situation. You’ll see a lot of Titanic Turners when the Scorpions are in charge, who will act like Pigs instead of Titanic Turners. There is no point in