37 message, so I will respond to it. The second way is that I post a lot on Facebook and Twitter. C. Austin Fitts: I can forgive you for having a Facebook account. Cynthia McKinney: I know, and I resisted it for a long time! C. Austin Fitts: Here is my theory: When the general population sees the opportunity and sends you sufficient donations, you will pay a lovely young man like the one I talked to last night to create the web capacity so that you won’t need to use Facebook. That will happen. Cynthia McKinney: That is exactly right! C. Austin Fitts: So your website, then Face- book? Cynthia McKinney: And Twitter. C. Austin Fitts: And Twitter. Cynthia McKinney: You know there are many Facebook pages that have my name on it. The one that is associated with me – that I respond to – is ‘Cynthia McKinney Official.’ C. Austin Fitts: You do a lot of interviews, right? Cynthia McKinney: Yes I do. I’ve been fo- cused on what is called the ‘alt right’, but there is some kind of synergy happening because I know I’m ‘left.’ But all of a sudden I’ve broken bread with a whole lot of ‘right’ people, and we’re like peas in a pod. So this is a conversa- tion that defeats divide and rule. I teach my students about Paulo Freire, who outlined the mechanisms of oppression and the tools for liberation. Unity for liberation, collab- oration, organization, cultural synthesis – these are the tools for liberation. I try to walk that talk and I try to practice it. So I’ve been talking to militia people, Christian identity people, and whoever they say that I’m supposed to hate – those are the people I want to talk to. C. Austin Fitts: I’m trying to draw a circle around those intersections and say, “You all can do what you want to do. If you can figure out a way for your revenues to be greater than your expenses, do it.” If you can economically optimize your solu- tions, then you are self-financing. That is how I started The Solari Report. I turned to my law- yer in 1998 and said, “You and I are going to have to find a way to support ourselves at retail because, unless individuals support us, we can’t be loyal to individuals. So that’s what we’re going to have to do.” Cynthia McKinney, this has been a great con- versation, and it’s the beginning of a discussion that is going to continue on how we are going to enforce the Constitution until we do. Cynthia McKinney: Until we do! C. Austin Fitts: Anything is possible, and anything can happen. As you know, I have a theory that the Mid- ianites are going to kill each other if we will only get together. So, if the faithful, competent people get together, then the Midianites will kill each other, and it will fall to us to try to make it work. Before we end, this has been a great conver- sation. It’s been a great launch of what will continue to be a great conversation. Is there anything else that you would like to say before we close? Cynthia McKinney: I think my sister, Catherine Austin Fitts, has just said it all! C. Austin Fitts: I’m flying back to the United States, and so are you – but not for long enough as far as we in the United States are concerned. But you will be back and forth, right? Cynthia McKinney: Yes, I will be back and forth. C. Austin Fitts: The one request I do have is: If there is an opportunity for anybody to hear you speak or to support your efforts in the United States, you will let me know and we will pub- lish that on The Solari Report. I want to make sure that our subscribers and readers know how to follow ‘All Things Cynthia McKinney.’ Cynthia McKinney: Okay. Thank you. C. Austin Fitts: We’re in cahoots! Ladies and gentlemen, have a great day!