33 worse feeling than having untrustworthy bank- ers who are working for the other team. I’ll put up the link to the Coming Clean article, but being here with you in Bangladesh, Cyn- thia McKinney, is entirely clean. You’re about as clean as one can get, and you do much to support the 5-10% net energy plus people all over the world. I want to point out that some people say, “It’s hopeless.” The Ziocons, in particular, are so good at marketing the idea, “It’s hopeless. There is nothing you can do.” I would like to point out that there are many examples of success stories where they have been completely defeated. One of my favorites is home schooling. Cynthia McKinney: I have seen the results of home schooling. It’s always been on the block in Congress, under attack. The parents would bring their children in and they were the smart- est kids! C. Austin Fitts: Right. These kids in Bangla- desh feel and act like home schooled kids do back at home. Another one I wanted to bring up – and I don’t know if you’ve been watching Vaxxed – but the Vaxxed team has done an incredible job. They made a great documentary about vaccines. Since then, they’ve been going around the country on a bus filming case studies, and the information is thoroughly power, power, and power. We’ve been seeing an explosion of doc- umentaries in the health freedom area, and the pushback on health freedom is overwhelming. That’s why the consumers are overwhelming the GMOs. Now California is scheduling glyphosate as a carcinogen, and Monsanto and those people can’t stop it. The push is too strong. Cynthia McKinney: In 2010 I was in the United Arab Emirates, and had the opportunity to meet the chief medical officer for the state of Pakistan. She was a woman, and I told her, “You don’t want Bill Gates or the Gates Foun- dation in your country.” She looked at me as if to say, “Who is this person telling me that?” She was all excited because she had a chance to shake Bill Gates’ hand. Now, the state of India is filing a lawsuit against the Gates Foundation. I was there when they were forcing the soldiers to take the vac- cines in the US military. C. Austin Fitts: And they still are. Cynthia McKinney: I was calling them out, and I was called ‘kooky’ and ‘looney’ and, “That girl doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” Now it’s seven years later, and many people have died, and there are babies being born with abnormalities. C. Austin Fitts: Where the pushback has to happen is: I can come clean with my own mon- ey, but I still pay taxes. Actually, I really don’t have to pay a great deal of taxes because I still have a lot of tax loss carried forward, thanks to the Department of Justice. We all have to pay taxes, and where we need collective action – both at the local, state, and Federal level – is to begin to implement the financial management laws and the Consti- tutional provisions together as they relate to appropriations. If you see what I’m going to put up, there is a lot of information about that and we’ll get into that shortly. That needs to be part of an ongoing conversation. One thing that you pointed out to me yesterday is that it needs to include the Fed bill and the Treasury place-based and other financial disclo- sures. So we will have much on that, but that has always been the tricky political issue where the Ziocons and Pilgrims are masters at pulling people’s feet out from under them. Cynthia McKinney: In 2006 I was absolutely fed up with the wars. Sherry Peel Jackson lives around the corner from me and I said, “Sherry, I would like to contract with you so that you can do a series of workshops for my constitu- ents just teaching them what you know.” I lost the election – or it was stolen – and Sher- ry Peel Jackson ended up in prison. So we never had a chance to talk about the money. I wanted to discuss how our tax dollars were being used against our will to finance these wars.