4 I. Introduction T wenty years ago, I made a decision. I had to choose between my wealth and social position and my core principles. I had to decide which was more important to me – to remain a member of the establishment or to refuse to be a party to genocide; to choose individual sovereignty or high-paid slavery. I think of that decision often these days as I watch the American people individually and collectively approach a similar decision point. I made my choice early. Now, everyone who has not made that choice will be forced to make it. The middle of the road is disappearing. Each of us will have to choose and, hopefully, defend our individual sovereignty and the sovereignty and rights of those around us. The alternative is to watch our federal government and our military engage in an acceleration of global war and profiteering. The private companies and investors who currently exercise control over our government are using it to operate violently and above the law. Global surveillance and the ability to murder with impunity is the real source of in- equality. Our risks of high-tech slavery, poverty, or death are rising as state and local governments write down pension funds and write off essen- tial services such as functioning water and sewer systems. As US citizens reach these crossroads, we will make our decisions individually and collectively. Since 1776, US citizens have enjoyed the bless- ings and protection of one of the most powerful covenants ever made: the US Declaration of Independence and, more importantly, the US Constitution with its Bill of Rights. That cove- nant has been under assault for a long time and enforcement has been far from perfect. However, the forces that would completely shred the US Constitution have now assembled for an all-out assault. As I said in our latest Annual Wrap Up 2016 in January, the period of “slow burn” and “kick the can” is over. We have entered a new phase of controlled demolitions. Significant legal and retirement obligations are being abrogated or written down daily. A major overhauling of insti- tutions is underway, in many cases necessitated by two decades of financial coup d’État. Those of us who are US citizens can either enforce the Constitution or lose it. As an out-of- “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” – Deuteronomy 30:19