15 Forming a Constitutional Convention is a dreadful idea. The graphics on the following pages illustrate in simple terms why you don’t want to do that. that the foundation of financial literacy is excel- lence in mathematics. Return the control of curriculum, physical facil- ities, hiring, and other policies to local schools (other than the requirement to purchase food locally, when possible). Reverse any mandates that require Common Core. Encourage state and school associations to provide open source materials and software – including best practices information, recom- mendations, and support – for school curric- ulum. This should include early education to help students understand how local economic and financial systems really work. • Economics 101 • Questing – A Guide to Creating Commu- nity Treasure Hunts Significantly increase funding for exchange programs with schools in other countries and programs to integrate business and other curriculum with local businesses. Start a “shark tank” to facilitate capital funding of student enterprise. Local Civic & Volunteer Groups Return the jurisdiction of all volunteer fire companies to state jurisdiction and reduce time commitments for required training – or offer sufficient financial compensation for training time. Encourage leadership training, participatory budgeting, and community prayer. • Participatory Budgeting – Wikipedia Consider a neighborhood Constitution Conver- sation. Read a copy of the US Constitution to- gether and then determine what this document means to your neighborhood and what you can do to enforce it. Other If corporations have the right of personhood, then there should be jail time and a death penalty for corporations as there are for people. Let’s deter- mine how we will implement this change, start- ing with the US Secretary of State withdrawing certificates of good standing on a temporary or permanent basis from any corporation or enter- prise with a documented history of harming or killing people. Dreadful Ideas Here are two ideas you are not going to fall for – and you’re not going to let the people around you fall for them either. A con-con (consti- tutional convention) is a dreadful idea. So is state secession. These processes would allow the people who stole all the money through the financial coup d’État to keep their stolen money and to avoid funding Social Security, retire- ment, and health care obligations. • American Suicide: Proposals for Consti- tutional Amendments & Convention with Edwin Vieira, Jr. (PDF). Conclusion Each of these ideas needs fleshing out. In addi- tion, this is just a beginning. There are many more steps to be taken, including brilliant ideas I have never imagined…but which you can. If you have ideas, please post them at the subscriber input area of solari.com, and I will use them to continue to improve this list. Let’s do it!