49 his Allies • Rex Tillerson meets with Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Putin • Donald Trump Attacks Iran • Syria Policy After the Chemical Attacks • US Launches Airstrikes on Syria • Michael Savage Turns on Trump, Says Syri- an Gas Attack Was False Flag Operation • US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft for First Time • US Sanctions 271 Syrians, Freezes Their US Assets • Pentagon Expands Rebuke of Turkey Over Iraq, Syria Strikes • Russia and Iran Pledge to Hit Back against further Syria Strikes as they Blast US for ‘Crossing Red Lines’ B. What’s Next for the EU? • What the EU27 wants from Brexit • Meet Emmanuel Macron – The Consum- mate Banker Puppet, Bizarre Elitist Creation • Denmark Proposes Law Change to Block Russian Gas to Europe • Does Schäuble want Draghi to Exit the Stage Once & For All? • We Need a New Global Economic Goal: Resilience (subscription) • Macron Elected French President: Estimates • Germany: Police Powerless Against Middle Eastern Crime Gangs C. Growth on the Silk Road • HK’s Role for Next 20 Years? Silk Road ‘Super-connector’ • China Pledges $124 Billion for New Silk Road as Champion of Globalization • China’s AIIB Approves 13 New Member Countries • CPEC Investment Pushed from $55b to $62b • Liberal Andrew Robb Took $880k China Job as Soon as He Left Parliament D. The US China Re-balancing and the South China Sea • The USS Fitzgerald Tragedy Still Makes No Sense • China Plans Underwater Monitoring System E. The Beaten Path to Antarctica • Who Owns Antarctica & How Much is It Worth? F. Global Powwows • Moguls Set to Converge on Sun Valley • Trailer Bilderberg the Movie • Protests, Policy Rows, Volatile Leaders — Welcome to the Hamburg G20 Summit • Russia, US & China Able to Join Forces in Tackling Global Challenges – Lavrov IV. The Deep State Grows More Evident • George Soros Accused of Trying to Oust Equatorial Guinea’s Government • The Insurrection Against the President, or Who Really is George Soros Anyway? • America Illegally At War For a Long Time Now • After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon • Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels • White House Claims on Syria Chemical At- tack ‘Obviously False’- Prof. Theodor Postol of MIT • Top Ten Reasons to Doubt Official Story on Assad Poison-gas Attack • ‘I Don’t Believe a Word of It’ – CIA Whis- tleblower on US Intelligence about Syria Chemical Attack • History: New Gold Pool at the BIS Basle, Switzerland: Part 1 • ISIS Recruiter Who Radicalised London Bridge Attackers was Protected by MI5 V. Migration and Immigration Long-Term Trends: Migration Potential From Africa and Middle East: • African Migrants Hit by New Discriminato- ry Tax in Israel to Encourage Departure • Italy Furious After Austria Deploys Troops, Armored Vehicles To Border