12 Act locally to prevent and remove any mandates that restrict your privacy or expose you to physi- cal harm or mind control: • Cellphone towers, including the smaller 5G towers • Smart meters • Mandated vaccines • Food safety rules that compromise your ability to grow your own food or buy food from local farmers • The spraying of heavy metals or other poisons • Adding fluoride to drinking water Ensure your right to own and carry firearms. In my opinion, the US intelligence and enforce- ment agencies (and the private contractors and mercenaries with which they collaborate) are marketing illegal drugs and firearms into your community. You cannot afford to be over-pow- ered or out-gunned. At the same time, you must appreciate the dangers of mind control tech- nologies that are being applied in the midst of a well-armed population. Also, please make sure that you have proper training and practice. Creating Sovereignty – State and Local Government Enforcing the US Constitution will require a greater level of sovereignty at the state and local level. Unfortunately, because the federal govern- ment can dictate a growing flow of mandates and borrow a near infinite amount of money (because the central bank can print money and buy Treasury bills and bonds), state and local governments have been “squeezed.” Let’s reverse that squeeze. Stop the Con-Con: Stop any efforts to pressure your state legislators to support the call for a constitutional convention. Start a State Bank: State banks owned and operated by the state government should: • Serve as depository agents for the state. • Ensure payment system integrity within the state. • Provide lending capacity for the state and state incorporated banks and credit unions (but not to individuals or companies). • Provide for a state gold and silver deposito- ry which is available to both state and local government, citizens, and businesses. Mandate that the state bank create a division committed to financial privacy within the state that will ensure the integrity of all telecommu- nications and digital payment systems from in- vasion of privacy and mind control technology. This division would also provide curriculum to local schools that will teach students how to (1) create their own private encryption systems and (2) test the integrity of information systems. In addition, mandate that the state bank deter- mines how it will respond to the adaptation of blockchain technology. Shift State and Local Financial Flows: Shift state and local banking, investment, and servic- ing out of any banks that manage the federal bank account (and which have been responsible for operating the federal accounts outside of Constitutional law) to banks that do not have such conflicts of interest. Withdraw Certificates of Good Standing: Require the US Secretary of State to withdraw certificates of standing from any financial institution that has paid out federal settlements of more than $1 billion for financial fraud and other financial crimes in the last 10 years or is complicit in implementing unconstitu- tional transactions with the federal accounts. In addition, require the US Secretary of State II. How Do You Enforce the US Constitution When the Government is Breaking It?