16 enforce the constitution FROM FISCAL 1998 TO 2011, MR. GLOBAL* TRANSFERRED AN ESTIMATED $40 TRILLION+ OF THE TAXPAYER‛S MONEY INTO HIS (AND HIS FRIENDS‛) POCKETS THROUGH WORLDWIDE WARS, THE BLACK BUDGET AND A GLOBAL FINANCIAL COUP D‛ÉTAT. * Mr. Global goes by many names. Here‛s a few names of groups alleged to be part of Mr. Global‛s team you might recognize: 1) The Deep State; 2) The Cabal; 3) The Elite; 4) The 1% of the 1%; 5) The Syndicate; 6) The Illuminati; 7) The Zionists; 8) The Committee of 300; 9) The Freemasons; 10) The Jesuits; 11) The Rockefellers; 12) The Rothchilds; 13) The Shadow Government; 14) The Neocons; 15) The Banksters; 16) The Council on Foreign Relations; 17) The Trilateral Commission; 18) The Club of Rome; 19) The Vatican; 20) The Bohemian Club; 21) The Khazarians; 22) The New World Order; 23) The Men in Black; 24) The Skull & Bones Society; 25) The Committee that Runs the World; 26) The Octopus; 27) The Thirteen Families; 28) The Knights of Malta; 29) The Rosicrucian Order; 30) The Order; 31) The Brotherhood; 32) TPTB. THEY ENGAGED IN RACKETEERING IN THE EMERGING MARKETS TO LOCK UP NATURAL RESOURCES, AND PRIVATIZED COMPANIES AND ASSETS. THEY LAUNDERED HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN “NOT-FOR-PROFITS” AND “FOUNDATIONS” IN ORDER TO ENGINEER A “SOFT REVOLUTION” FOR GLOBAL CONTROL. THE MONEY WAS “INVESTED” IN GRANTS, GMO SEEDS, AND PHOTO OPS TO MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE THEY WERE “HELPING” THE PEOPLE. THEY LIED… THEY COVERED UP TO GET LAWS PASSED. or kiss your money goodbye! This is why it could happen... THEY ABSCONDED WITH EVEN MORE MONEY OVER THE LAST 30 YEARS. PLUS, THEY CAPTURED ANCIENT MUSEUM ARTIFACTS AND PRICELESS ART, LAND, MINING INTERESTS, OIL FIELDS, BIG GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, AND MARKET SHARE. UNTOLD TRILLION$ SHIPPED ABROAD WENT MISSING… AND THEY KILLED… NON- PROFIT FOUNDATION