20 Enforce the Constitution with Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney Catherine Austin Fitts: It’s my pleasure to welcome to The Solari Report a woman who needs no introduction, and that is Congress- woman Cynthia McKinney, who served from the 11th and 4th Congressional Districts in the Atlanta region for 12 years, challenging all the powers that be. If anybody has tried to enforce the Constitution, it’s Congresswoman McKin- ney. She is now a professor of political science in Bangladesh, Asia. I have been with her for the last week, and have to tell you that she is as good a hostess as she was a Congresswoman. Cynthia McKinney: Oh, that’s wonderful news. My mother will be pleased. C. Austin Fitts: Your mother would be im- pressed. My mother would be very impressed. Anyway, Southern hospitality lives and reigns in Bangladesh. Along with teaching political science – both at the graduate and undergraduate level – she teaches organizational change and leadership and entrepreneurship. She has a group of talented, visionary, entre- preneurial students. They are exciting to be around, and they are excited to be around her and learning from her. It has really been inspiring to be here. You feel as though you’re actually living in solutions when you’re here. I’ll tell you, Cynthia, the so- ciety that will work is a society where the young people are excited about creating and building the future, you just feel that here. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, and it is intergener- ational as well. Those students pulled me into whatever it is that they’re doing, even when I want to sleep! C. Austin Fitts: They have invited us into their homes for the holiday. We’re in the midst of a great holiday here in Dhaka, which is the capi- tal of Bangladesh, and you see how much these parents have invested in these children and how they keep investing. Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. C. Austin Fitts: They are building their chil- dren who are building the future. TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW RECORDED ON JULY 6, 12017