44 • Americans Still Favor Real Estate for Long- Term Investment • Ethereum Surges To All Time High As SEC Considers Ether-based ETF • Norway’s $940 Billion Wealth Fund Eyes Possible Repatriation of Tax Haven Subsid- iaries • NYC Pension Funds to Back Out of Invest- ments in Private Prisons • Why an Australian Fund Manager Decided to Sell Everything • Costco Sees an Extremely Damaging Flush In Aftermath of Amazon’s Big Whole Foods Deal A. The Rise of Index Funds • Jack Bogle Warns Of Market “Chaos, Ca- tastrophe” If Passive Investing Wins World’s Biggest Wealth Fund Refuses to Be Silenced B. Volatility • Jack Ma Sees Decades of Pain as Internet Upends Old Economy • Want to See How America is Changing? Property Taxes Hold the Answer • Why an Australian Fund Manager Decided to Sell Everything C. Pretend Central Banks Will “Fix It” • Fed’s Yellen Expects No New Financial Crisis in ‘Our Lifetimes’ GEOPOLITICS I. Free Speech & Corporate Media Melt- down • Freedom of Speech Comes to an End in Germany • German Police Said to Raid Homes over Online Hate Speech • The Suppression of Ideas and the Closing out of Debate • Justice Department Subpoenas The Intercept for Records on Barrett Brown • Barret Brown: US Journalist May Seek Asy- lum Overseas After Being Re-Imprisoned for Talking to Press • Three CNN Employees Resign Over Retract- ed Story on Russia Ties • Fox News Drops O’Reilly in Wake of Harass- ment Allegations • CNN Shocked Speechless as Congressman Questions Syria Chemical Weapons Story • The Situation in Syria Is Not Complicat- ed  —  Here’s What You Need To Know • Evidence Proves DNC Fabricated Russian Conspiracy In June 2016 • List of Journalists Killed in Russia • CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press Free- doms • Julian Assange Speaks Out: The War On The Truth • US Government Wants Julian Assange in Jail. That Could Hurt the Rest of Us • Getting Julian Assange: The Untold Story • Twitter Suspends WND for Seth Rich Report • Is It Hateful To Believe In Hell? Bernie Sand- ers’ Questions Prompt Backlash • Journalists Get New Protections in Vermont The Worst Idea Yet: Have a Con Con • It Looks Like the Kochs’ Dream of a Right- Wing Constitutional Convention Has Been Roadblocked • The Dangerous Path: Big Moneys’ Attempt to Shred the Constitution • American Suicide: Proposals for Constitution- al Amendments & Convention with Edwin Vieira, Jr. • Bill of the Week: We the People Rewriting the Constitution is as Easy as 1, 2, 3 II. A New Administration: The First 100 Days • Jobs Miss Big, Unemployment Rate Falls to 16-Year Low • Winners and Losers of Trump’s First 100 Days • Trump: the Man vs. His Ideas • Trump and Money Laundering: The Key Questions to Ask • Daily Presidential Tracking Poll III. News Trends & Stories