36 fighting; you have to go with the flow. Part of what we’re trying to do is get some of those Pigs to turn into Titanic Turners. Cynthia McKinney: And that is possible. I remember Amilcar Cabral who was very instru- mental in getting rid of the Portuguese from Africa pertaining to his colonial experience. One of his theses was that you would have allies from the class that benefits from the wrong- doing. Encouraging the Pilgrims who have become Piggies (because the Scorpions are now in charge) to become Titanic Turners is some- thing that we can accomplish by opposing the Scorpions and the 10% of the slugs. C. Austin Fitts: I’ve seen much of this in my clients and subscriber base. You will have peo- ple who long ago were supporters of Israel or they’re Jewish and are part of these networks, and they are appalled at what is going on with the Palestinians. They are appalled at all of this and they don’t really know where to organize or to seek an alternative. I would say this. If you look at every group and, when I was a kid in Philadelphia, it was the Vatican, the Jews, and the Masons – you had these three power groups. Over time, the real criminal element in each one rose to power. Part of the problem is that crime pays. You’re encouraging the worst behavior, and everybody is trying to compete. So you have a prisoner’s dilemma problem. Part of what we are trying to figure out is, we were all within these different pockets and watching, and within our own ethnic or reli- gious or tribal group, the slugs were in control. Cynthia McKinney: But we recognized that there are some good people in there. What do I need to do? I use the Civil Rights movement as an experience to draw from, and there were many people in the North who were watching what was going on in the South on their tele- visions who said, “We have one Viola Liuzzo.” She was a housewife in Michigan and could have remained a housewife. She could have stayed there, but she said, “No, I have to be a part of the change. I have to stand with these people who are opposing this.” She left her home, went to Alabama, and was shot. It turns out that it was an FBI informant who either shot her or was sitting in the truck next to the person who shot her. We have these people of good will in every one of these groups. They are encouraged when they see people challenging bad guys. So we have a responsibility to challenge them, first of all, so that we’re not complicit. But also to inspire those good people to join us. That’s who would beat them. C. Austin Fitts: When I worked on commu- nity developments, turning neighborhoods around with equity investment, or whatever group I’m in, I know who my slugs are and I know how to avoid them. When I go into a different group, I don’t know who the slugs are. Part of these first steps for all of us is figuring out – in anything that we’re a part of – how we can support the 5-10%, and how do we help the 5-10% network across all these different worlds and cultures and countries and continents. We’re up against a global demonic force, and we have to be a global force. We have to find a way for that 5-10% to build the networks of cooperation and trust, and that’s why I return to the children. You have to circulate the kids. They have to build those relationships because that’s the glue that is going to create this world. So you’re doing it. Cynthia McKinney: I’m trying, and I’m glad that you put the theoretical framework around what I’m doing because I hadn’t analyzed it that way. C. Austin Fitts: You just do it and you’re too busy doing it to think about it as you’re teach- ing it. Before we close, tell us how we keep up with you and your work. I’m always checking in with you, “What are you going to do about this? What are you going to do about that?” So, how do we follow Cynthia McKinney? Cynthia McKinney: The first place to go is to my website www.AllThingsCynthiaMcKin- ney.com. I sometimes get behind, but I have a commitment that I respond to every email that comes to me from there because people have taken their time to go there and send me a