13 Outlaw the application of mind control technologies within the state (whether by federal or private tele- communication, media or other parties) and create the necessary enforcement capacity to implement these laws. to withdraw certificates of standing from any contractor that has provided accounting or payment systems services to federal agencies with undocumentable adjustments. Ensure that all such institutions are prevented from doing business with the state and local governments. Stop and reverse the privatization of state and local employees. All governmental functions (particularly tax, treasury, cash management, investment, accounting, and payment or other financial functions) must be overseen or provid- ed by career civil service government employees. Address Mind Control Head On!: Outlaw the application of mind control technologies within the state (whether by federal or private telecom- munication, media, or other parties) and create the necessary enforcement capacity to imple- ment these laws. Taxes: Cancel state and local sales taxes (if any) on gold and silver transactions and make it an option for state and local taxes to be paid in gold and silver. Creating Sovereignty – Federal Govern- ment – Protecting Our Tax Dollars This is the most important and most chal- lenging aspect of your enforcement of the US Constitution. We are paying taxes to the federal government while the government is violating financial management laws and the Constitu- tion in its disbursement of those tax dollars. Indeed, the government is funding illegal and criminal activities that are doing harm. You are financing your own destruction and you need to stop doing so. How do we enforce the Appropriations Clause of the US Constitution? There are several pos- sibilities: • Lobby state legislators to increase staff and budgets for state and local attorneys general (AGs). Require state AGs to significantly in- crease litigation against the federal govern- ment in order to roll back federal mandates that are harming state and local finances. • Direct state AGs to propose legal mech- anisms against the New York Fed and its member banks for effecting transactions that are unconstitutional and illegal. This proposal would include legal mechanisms to recapture missing monies from the New York Fed and its member banks. Review the options to assert common law right of offset against the debts of state and local governments, resident students, and citi- zens. Review the options to seize the assets and equity held by New York Fed member banks and government contractors to satisfy their liabilities for undocumentable adjust- ments. • Create tax escrows under the control of (i) state or local government, (ii) state and local courts, or (iii) private trusts. File federal tax reports with the IRS, but make the payment into the escrow until (and unless) the US Treasury has documented and recaptured the undocumentable adjustments and published audited financial statements as required by law. The escrow will provide an annual fi- nancial report to the Treasury. Pay a pro-rata share to the US government for servicing on the national debt and a portion of military expenses. The remainder will be held in es- crow until the federal government obeys the appropriation clause of the law with respect to expenditures and disclosure and may be used to provide for domestic federal expenses within the state under state control. • Determine a path for the courts to man- date the federal government to provide an amount up to an equivalent of the bank bailouts to fund state and local pension funds and health care shortfalls and critical infrastructure needs. • Determine a path for the courts to mandate that the federal government refinance all student loan debt at the Fed Funds rate (the much lower insider rate that the banks get).