53 • Cassini Mission • US House Wants To Create First New Military Branch Since 1947 VIII. The Future of Energy A. Nuclear Fusion & Breakthrough En- ergy • Free Energy Source Confirmed • Bigelow Aerospace Founder Says Commer- cial World will Lead in Space B. Renewables Growth • China is Now Getting Power from the Largest Floating Solar Farm on Earth • Germany Got 35% of its Electricity from Renewables in 2017 • Tesla’s Solar Roof Pricing Is Cheap Enough to Catch Fire • You Can Now Sell Solar Power to your Neighbors • Professor Invents Way to Trigger Artifi- cial Photosynthesis to Clean Air, Produce Energy • Can Plastic Roads Help Save the Planet? • Graphene Sieve Turns Seawater into Clean Drinking Water – and the Technology Can be Scaled Up C. Coal – What’s Next in US, India and China? • Unexpected Move From China Boosts Coal Prices THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS • New Pyramid Which was Built 3,700 Years Ago Discovered in Egypt • Atmospheric Study and Gravity Waves • Saudi Banks, Bin Laden Companies face $4.2 Billion U.S. Lawsuit by 9/11 Insurers • After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon INSPIRATION • 50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything | Short Film Showcase • The Raising of the Blue Barn • 101-Year-Old Indian Woman Wins 100 Meter Dash at World Masters Games in New Zealand as the Only Competitor in the 100+ Age Category • Young People are the Superconductors • How To Break The Zombie Trance GO LOCAL • The Great Place Project • Find A Place You Love That Needs You • Book Review: Follow the Money: A Citi- zen’s Guide to Local Government • Strongtowns Summit in Fate Texas • Explaining what Participatory Budgeting is • Follow the Money: Stories of Citizen Action • Public Art: Project vs. Process • Sharing Spring, Starting a Conversation • How to Reinvent the Potluck • How To Start A Social Street • Georgia Street Community Collective: Our Community • 3 Great Rochester Neighborhoods and Why they Work • These Neighbors Got Tired of Waiting for Traditional Developers • These Sustainable Startups Are Cultivating a Greener, Cleaner • One Way to Keep Businesses (and Small Towns) Alive when Their Owners Retire • How a “Vitality Fellow” Captured the Imagination of a City • This Bike Co-op is Helping to Build a Better Peoria • La Flaca Urban Gardens • 7 Years of Work on Food Forest Destroyed Over Permit • A New Law Would Legalize Selling Home- Cooked Food in California • Open Building Institute: Eco-Building Toolkit The dividing line between two visions: One centralizes power and knowledge in a manner that tears down communities and infrastruc- ture as it dominates wealth and shrinks freedom. The other diversifies power and knowledge to create new wealth through rebuild- ing infrastructure and com- munities and nourishing our natural resources.