51 • How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda • This Creepy Patent Shows That Your Ner- vous System Can Be Remotely Manipulated • Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technol- ogy and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter (subscription) • Edward Bernays & 10 Big Lies of the 21st Century with Junious Ricardo Stanton • Jamie Dimon Warns “Something Is Wrong” With The US B. Trans-humanism: • How Upgrading Humans will become the next Billion-dollar Industry • Unborn Babies Being Prepared For Trans-humanism Through Vaccines • Artificial Womb Created SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY I. Cybersecurity A. Ain’t No Such Thing – Zero Integrity Systems • How The Fed Helps The US Spy On Foreign Governments • Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of the NSA’s Mass Internet Surveillance Program • Germany Secretly Passed Total Surveillance of Everything • Under Pressure, Western Tech Firms Bow to Russian Demands to Share Cyber Secrets • U.S. Net Neutrality Advocates Blast Pai Effort to Reverse Rules • Don’t Let the New FCC Kill Net Neutrality • Fight Brews Over Push to Shield Americans in Warrantless Surveillance B. IOT: • The Corruption and Compromise of the NSA with William E. Binney • Comcast, ATT, Verizon Say They will Not Sell Their Customer’s Browsing Histories C. Quantum Computing: • China Sets New Record for Quantum Entanglement en Route to Build New Communication Network • Alibaba’s Jack Ma Issues Dire Warning That AI Could Steal CEOs’ Jobs D. Digital WW III • How The Death Of Net Neutrality Could Hamstring The Internet Of Things • Senator Tom Cotton Introduces Bill That Would Renew Section 702 Forever With Zero Changes II. Health Freedom • The Truth About Cancer • “Through Vaccines & Statins Big Pharma Is Engaged In All Out Assault On Our Health!” • Unprecedented Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation in US Based on Neurotoxicity Studies • Tennessee Counties Sue Opioid Makers Using Local “Crack Tax” Law • A Nation of the Walking Dead • US Opioid Crisis at Epidemic Proportions • Nassau County to Sue Pharmaceuticals over Growing Opioid Epidemic on Long Island • Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever • Big Pharma and the Trans-gender Movement • New York City’s Black Children Die from Injuries at Three Times the Rate of other Kids • Rich Americans Live up to 15 Years Longer than Poor Peers, Studies Find • FDA Quietly Bans Powerful Life-Saving Intravenous Vitamin C • I Almost Went Blind After 12 Years as a Webmaster – What I Learned • Senate Republican Healthcare Bill would Cause 22 Million to Lose Insurance • Smithfield Is Engineering Pigs for Use in Human Transplants • Digital And Regenerative Medicine • ‘More than Just Luck’: The Science Behind Tom Brady’s Preposterous Longevity • Did Chinese Scientists Find Autism’s Missing Puzzle Piece? • Creator of Apple’s Touch ID Tech Develops A Connected-Life App For Seniors