39 PLEASE NOTE: All the news articles listed in this section can be ac- cessed by going to the online version of this Wrap Up at: www.Solari. com then use the search function to locate the items. • Fitch: Pension Impact Adjusted in U.S. Public Finance Criteria • Factors Aligning to Accelerate Pension Activity • The Hartford Transfers 29% of Pension Plan Obligations • General Mills to Freeze U.S. Pension Plans • The $31 Billion Hole in GE’s Balance Sheet That Keeps Growing Insurance Companies: • Insurers Look to Ramp Up Premiums in Health Law Exchanges • Aetna Fully Exits Obamacare Exchanges with Pull-out in Two States • Anthem to Leave Ohio’s Obamacare Insur- ance Market in 2018 Bankruptcies and Failures: • Illinois Tax Rate Soars 32% After Senate Overrides Governor Veto • A Message to all Illinoisans about the Budget Crisis • New Jersey, Maine Reach Budget Deals, End- ing Government Shutdowns • Welcome To The Third World, Part 23: Illinois Death Watch • Pushed Into Poverty, How Student Loan Collections Threaten the Financial Security of Older Americans • “The Crisis Has Become Pandemic” – System To Collect Defaulted Student Loans Is No Longer Functioning • Gov. Christie Orders New Jersey Government Shutdown Amid Budget Impasse • 78 Rural Hospitals Closed since 2010; Look at the Impact on One Tennessee Community • Puerto Rico, Creditors Face Off for First Time in Bankruptcy Court • Puerto Rico to Shut 179 Schools, Relocate 27k Students Amid Historic Bankruptcy • Uber Board Member Resigns After Mak- ing Sexist Joke at Company Meeting About Sexism • Unicorns Watch In Horror As Uber Careens Towards A Possible Extinction Event • Warren Buffett Just Confirmed the Death of Retail as We Know It • The Decline of Established American Retail- ing Threatens Jobs B. The Debt Growth Model is Dying • Japan Is Writing Off Nearly Half Its National Debt Without Creating Inflation. We Could Do It Too. • Fed Insider: We Have Been Put On Notice, The Debt Is Unsustainable: Danielle DiMar- tino Booth • David Stockman On The Anything President And The Everything Bubble • It Looks Like the US Economy Just Ground to a Halt • As Americans Take on More Debt, Some Pockets of Concern • Canada’s Housing Bubble Explodes As Its Biggest Mortgage Lender Crashes Most In History The War on Cash: • Empire Endgame: Digital Slave Population • IMF Tells Governments How to Subvert Public Resistance against Elimination of Cash • United Nations Sends Aid to 10,000 Syrian Refugees Using Ethereum Blockchain • Bernard Lietaer Joins Bancor Protocol Foun- dation as Chief Monetary Architect United States: • Senate Passes Bill Requiring Citizens Report Privately Stashed Cash • Uniform Regulation for Virtual Currency Businesses: Coming to a State Near You • Delaware House Passes Historic Blockchain Regulation • New York Preschools Accept Bitcoin and Ether for Tuition Payments • Arizona Passes Bill To End Income Taxation On Gold And Silver • Fidelity Is Mining Bitcoin, CEO Abigail Johnson Admits • Signed Into Law: Nevada Becomes Free- Trade Zone for Bitcoin And Other Block- chains