27 there is not enough juice to satisfy all the crim- inals. Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. C. Austin Fitts: I have a very famous story where I was in a meeting with Jack Kemp, and he said, “The law? I don’t have to obey the law. I report to something higher.” He was implying that if you watch the movie Eyes Wide Shut, there is a group of secret societ- ies and they are ‘above the law.’ Cynthia McKinney: Why isn’t Hillary Clinton before the ICC? Why isn’t she even before the New York courts? This is a woman who is a serial criminal, and yet, crime that pays is crime that stays. C. Austin Fitts: Let’s give examples of some of the people. Some of the neocons are nearly all named, but if you examine the Congress, the Ziocons are in full blossom. I’m thinking of Lindsay Graham; I’m think- ing of John McCain; I’m thinking of Chuck Schumer. One thing I’ll give Chuck Schumer credit for is that he explains the issue. He was on TV and essentially said that the President can’t buck the intelligence agencies because “they’ll get you.” Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. They’ll think of six ways to Sunday to get you. C. Austin Fitts: What Chuck Schumer was saying was that we’re not obeying the Consti- tution because, if you look at the powers and authorities of the President, he doesn’t have any of that; he does what he is told by the intel- ligence agencies, which is – in fact – how it’s been working since they shot John F. Kennedy in broad daylight. I have a theory, and when I started moving up the system, the Pilgrims were in control, but they used the Ziocons to do their dirty tricks. If they wanted wholesale criminality to pull a lot of capital, they would use the Ziocons to do it. Cynthia McKinney: That was their slug man- agement, and then something happened. C. Austin Fitts: Right. You’ll see throughout history that whenever you depend on somebody to operationalize it, at some point they lever up their power. So we go through the bailouts, and suddenly $27 trillion gets stolen. Suddenly the Ziocons are no longer doing the dirty tricks; they’re at the table. Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. C. Austin Fitts: Part of it is that in 1995 it was made very clear to me that the Pilgrims decided that they were giving up on the country and were pulling all their money out. That was part of the financial coup d’État in getting all the money out. The question, of course, is: Where are you going to go? The other thing I wanted to do was talk about the role of Israel. I think in the 1990’s, one of the heads of the FBI said that Israel was the greatest threat to national security of this coun- try. What we’re watching within the Ziocons is a very strong relationship between the Ziocons and Israel. Israel’s governmental capacity – the Mossad and the defense industry and every- thing. We are watching an explosion of government officials, politicians, and people in the military who have dual citizenships. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, and it’s a problem. Under Putin’s leadership, the Duma passed a rule saying that no Duma member could have dual citizenship, so they’re at least loyal to Rus- sia if they’re going to ‘serve’ Russia. The situation is not the same in the US. There- fore, we can have someone like Rahm Emanuel, who served with me and then organized to make sure that I was kicked out of the Congress while he was in charge of the deep state, who also served in the Israeli defense forces but not in the US military. C. Austin Fitts: The one person I’m thinking of is Dov Zakheim. He was instrumental in the undocumentable adjustments at the DOD and somewhat papered it over and I believe he had dual citizenship. Here is why this is all important: What you’re talking about is, with both the Pilgrims and the Ziocons, you’re getting a relatively small group of people together, and through the Federal credit mechanism and the subversion of the war