58 by rebuilding infrastructure and communities and by nourishing natural resources in a way that reaffirms our deepest dreams of freedom. • Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits Divide and Conquer The economics of hatred is a fascinating area of research. When you start digging into who makes money on hatred, you’ll see the world through a new lens. There is no more effective tool of financial and economic control than keeping the general population in a state of dramatic competition versus a state of peaceful cooperation. Getting your enemies to destroy each other in ways that profit you is an ancient tactic. And today’s digital technologies and multinational corporate media give this tactic a very modern twist. • Solari Story: Divide and Conquer • Solari Report: Unpacking Divide & Con- quer With Junious Ricardo Stanton • Solari Report: Unpacking Baltimore With Junious Ricardo Stanton • Homan Square: Is Someone Prototyping Domestic Rendition? With the Honorable Cynthia McKinney & Junious Ricardo Stanton Entrainment During my lifetime, I have watched the use of subliminal and invasive technologies become stronger and stronger. I had a practice, both in the Bush administration and at Hamilton Securities, in cleaning up enormous financial frauds. The more I worked at cleaning up truly huge financial frauds in the billions and bil- lions of dollars (ultimately, the trillions), I was unable to explain how some of these things could happen without “dirty tricks,” including some form of entrainment technology. I’ve talked a lot about control files and I believe that these were important. But, I came to see that some kind of entrainment technology was also involved. • Solari Report: Entrainment, Subliminal Programming, and Financial Manipula- tion False Flag Operations Do we live in a world full of terrorists and terrorist attacks? Or do we live in a reality TV show engineered by one false flag event after another and by squabbling factions within the national security apparatus? • Solari Report: False Flags With Richard Dolan Financial Coup d’État, the Black Budget, and the Hidden System of Finance One of the best ways to understand the enor- mous gap between reality and the “official reality” is to follow the money trail. If you follow the growth of covert financial systems and flows since World War II and study how money and finance are used to manage people and our economy, things begin to make sense. • Commentary: Financial Coup d’État • Solari Report: 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Planet Debt • Special Report: Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff • Online Book: Dillon, Read & Co Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts • Video: Catherine Austin Fitts at Secret Space Program 2014 The Need for Infrastructure Demands are rising, particularly in Asia, and there are big plans for infrastructure in Austra- lia as the population doubles. It is much easier to grasp the economic power of successful infrastructure investment when you analyze economies on a place-based basis. For control purposes, place-based investment and econom- ic disclosure have traditionally been challeng- ing…or even absent. Hence, the contribution of infrastructure on financial returns is not obvious to many observers or retail investors. • 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Infrastructure • 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Web Presen- tation The Missing Money I started writing about the “missing money” VI. Solari Core Concepts CAthErInE AuStIn FIttS Former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner Financial Coupd’Etat An Insider’s Story About Engineering Public Loss For Private Gain Financial Coup d ‘Etat: An Insiders Story About Engineering Public Loss for Public Gain DILLONREAD &THE ARISTOCRACY OF STOCK PROFITS An Insider’s Story about Engineering Public Loss for Private Gain Catherine Austin Fitts Former Assistant Secetary of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner