32 Cynthia McKinney: Yes, or you can experi- ence the ‘or else.’ C. Austin Fitts: My attitude is that we can figure this out once we’re clear that that is our only opportunity. You can figure it out or die, and I’m not interested in dying – not yet. I’ll have a lot of information on how, but I want to summarize some of it. The first issue is that individually we have plenty of power to switch our time, our attention, and our money. I call it ‘coming clean.’ We don’t have to watch the fake news; we can shut it off. Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. C. Austin Fitts: We don’t have to buy products from the Ziocons and the Pilgrims who are behaving in Luciferian ways. We can just say ‘bye.’ This is my big one: We do not have to put mon- ey in the banks that are stealing from us and are stealing from the US government. I’ll put up a link to an old article called Com- ing Clean, but whether it’s our bank deposits, our media attention, our investments, or our purchases, we don’t have to play. Cynthia McKinney: Exactly. Now what I’ve tried to do is to buy local. From my food to my clothes I don’t buy anything big or corporate, and I certainly don’t buy the Unilever and all of that. C. Austin Fitts: So when you’re here in Ban- gladesh, you have great local options. I’ve been amazed walking around the streets and the mall. There are incredible local options on everything. Where I am now, forget it. In 2000 I could do more; now it’s really tough. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, because the reality is different in the US. If you don’t get it from Wal-Mart, where are you going to purchase it? Amazon? C. Austin Fitts: I do more and more online. I’m trying to wean myself from Amazon be- cause if you see where they are going, I don’t like it. Ever since they bought into the CIA, I don’t know if this is Amazon or not. This sim- ply could be the CIA buying up everything. But you can do what you can do, and you can definitely do it with your bank deposits because the bankers are the ones who have engineered the financial coup d’État. Cynthia McKinney: So where do we place our – in my case – very meager deposits? C. Austin Fitts: If you look at how financial leverage works in the system, there is no such thing as a meager bank deposit. Your bank de- posits are far more powerful than most people realize. I have a piece on my website called How to Find a Good Local Bank. It’s very rare in America that there are not at least one or two good local banks and credit unions. We have a couple of Solari Reports on how to find a good local bank. Remember, we’re not merely trying to get away from the criminals; we’re trying to get behind the 5-10% net energy plus people. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, we want to build. C. Austin Fitts: So let’s return to the 10% slugs and the 10% net energy plus. You need to be sending the blood to the heart, the brains, and the lungs – not to the toes and the fingers. So we’re trying to get you in business with peo- ple you know and trust. Everybody at Solari knows that I love my bank- ers and trust my bankers. I think the entire financial system could crash, and they would still be operating. They may be the best banks in America. They are very good at what they do. Their business is helping individuals and families and small business. I trust them and they’re very faithful and competent. I feel good because I know if I have a problem, I can be anywhere in the world and I can call them and they are there. Part of it is getting every aspect of your life and money with people you can count on, and that feels great. So we’re trying to move the energy back to the heart, the lungs, and the brain, and to do it in a way which is good for me so that I feel safe in this world. When the “enemy of the state” period hit me, I couldn’t trust my bankers, and I believe my bankers organized to steal from me. There is no