29 C. Austin Fitts: Here is where our power can come from. First and foremost the spiritual power and the spiritual covenant which the Chinese call the ‘Mandate of Heaven’. But the reality is that if you see who has power on this planet, a portion of the power comes from those who can produce the high margin, which is organized crime. The other is those who can produce financial liquidity, and financial liquidity provides significantly higher margins than organized crime. The reality is that the minute the global popu- lation realizes that this is organized crime, the financial liquidity goes away. That is what has been happening. The central banks have been trying to keep it going, but the more they pump, the smaller the increase out of that pump. It’s dying, and the reason it’s dying is because deep down, nobody trusts the system and they are pulling back. You see all these different tricks to try to get people back in with cryptocurrencies and all these different things, but the reality is that the global world is looking at it and saying, “These people are psychopaths. They are Scorpions. We want to pull back.” That is both a danger and an opportunity because the society that can produce the most increase and preserve that kind of liquidity is the one that can perform. That’s the problem. Ultimately these people depend on a harvesting of the general population the minute the gener- al population withdraws. In my opinion, this idea of coming clean and withdrawing is so important. Cynthia McKinney: We all need to take poi- son pills. C. Austin Fitts: We all need to detox. Cynthia McKinney: We’re detoxing, but at the same time, when they try to harvest us, it is so unpalatable that they spit us out. C. Austin Fitts: I absolutely agree. I have a theory that every time they tell someone to target people like you and me, all the folks in the trenches are saying, “No, not them. Never again. They’re too painful.” I want to discuss control files because I believe control files are very, very important to how they’ve gotten as far as they have. You watch someone like Chuck Schumer and someone like John McCain. Those people have major control files. I saw the hearing with Bernie Sanders recently where he was grilling Vought for the appoint- ment for OMB. I said, “Oh, his job is to want to run a hit job on Vought because the Ziocons want that position for themselves.” Talk a little about control files, if you will. Cynthia McKinney: I never really thought about it in those terms; I only watched the events. After what happened to some of the members of Congress with Jack Abramoff, I went back and looked at Abscam. I wanted to understand who was coordinating this. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that from Abscam to Abramoff to Jeffrey Epstein, you have the Ziocons at the root of these problems. You’re right. There are only 535 seats in Con- gress, so you want to control all 535 of them. C. Austin Fitts: You want to get obscene pic- tures on every one of them so that you can tell them what to do. I have to tell you that if you look at the control file system, it’s very econom- ic because I can get you to steal $40 trillion for me, and I don’t have to pay you a big bonus. Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. There are some members of Congress who come close to understanding the way that the system is rigged. It was wonderful when Trump was able to get away with saying, “The system is rigged.” Everybody knows by now – we all know – that the system is rigged. There are certain members of Congress who came up against it and tried to expose, and they got churned. You can say that I got churned, but I didn’t end up in prison. C. Austin Fitts: Right, and you didn’t end up dead like many people have. Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. C. Austin Fitts: Part of the reason this got turbocharged in the 1990’s was the Telecom- munications Act. It basically provided a very economic way of using government money to collect all phone and other digital communica-