98 “This episode of Money & Markets was spec- tacular! I’ve already listened to it twice – so much was covered.” “All I can say now after I pick my jaw up off the floor is WOW! Thank you so much. What a huge blessing and thank you for your commitment and your courage. You’ve helped me fill in so many blanks and con- nect so many dots.” “I joined the Solari Report last week and have been spending the last several evenings listening to past interviews. If there’s any- thing better out there, I don’t know what it might be, and I’m telling a number of my friends to sign up. Thanks for this GREAT service!” “Your reports were excellent. Our subscrip- tion to Solari Report has been very helpful for us…thank you for continuing to expose the fear porn sites. I am breaking the habit of reading them…Our family will continue to listen to the Solari Reports.” “The Solari Report Annual Wrap is a superb and outstanding effort… Each year they’ve been getting better but this one is unbeliev- able… GREAT JOB and WONDERFUL- LY USEFUL!” “Thank you to Catherine and the Solari team for the many years of faithful service to your vision and I have finally decided to take action, get off of the fence and make a financial commitment to become a member and learning everything I need to know about your content. I come from the inner city, and while its emotionally painful for me to read about what has happened to my people (Genocide) I feel the deep resound- ing responsibility to learn as much as pos- sible about the breakaway civilization that is being built if my culture and community are to survive the next 100 years. I feel very deeply about this.” “This was so enlightening. Makes so much sense. Everyone should have a copy of this in their homes and learn not to be afraid to fight back and resist bullying of those who distort the truth.” “The last two Reports have been spectacu- lar…Richard Dolan’s take on the Clash of Civilizations. It makes such sense the way you connected all of that with the black budget. I appreciated his openness so far as pinning down any of the possible expla- nations – remaining open and really quite gentle.” “I have learned a ton in less then a week, God bless you Catherine, thanks so much, I was researching what is causing all the inflation and I crossed your path!” “Catherine Austin Fitts is quite a Lady. Bril- liant, courageous and dedicated to helping people. What a combination! I would that there were more great thinkers (and doers) like her. Thank you, Catherine.” “Catherine, listening to your interviews with Farrell & Rappaport, how good they are, how important, all of you helping to elimi- nate ignorance, creating inspiration.” “I’m sad to see this year come to and end! It has been such a rich month of sharing on the part of you and your Solari Team – the Annual Wrap Up; your conversations with Joseph Farrell and Jon Rappoport, last Thursday’s Report with John Laughland; and all of these coming as a delicious culmi- nation to the lectures from the Secret Space Conference. Thank you!” “You and your guests are MUCH better company than any other Red Pill folks.” “Thank you Catherine. The interview and your offerings were priceless.” “I’m starting to think Catherine Austin Fitts is right. I’ve thought she was a self-interested kook for a long time, but I’m reconsidering that. How come our financial system, world- wide, seems so OK with fraud, even when it affects them? There’s got to be a reason.” “I was astounded by the beauty and detail of this well produced Wrap Up! I received it in yesterday mail. Of course, I invested time in reading large chunks of it right away, the rest I will keep for reference and enjoy at a more leisurely pace.” “I can’t thank Catherine and Solari enough for truly helping us to live a “free and in- spired life.” So thankful for the Solari 2020 Vision!” “Loving Solari.com…You are hitting all the salient points. And keeping it SO real and challenging and promoting faith….” “I have been watching some more of your video’s and I want to remind you of how important you are to help people find their ‘way’ in these corrupt times.” “People are looking for different forms of ‘light’ and hopefulness amidst the seeming insanity. Thanks for being you.” “My husband and I read and listened to your fantastic 1st quarter ‘Planet Debt.’ Again, your brilliance and studying of the trends you share with your subscribers in an informative and very clear presentation continues to inspire us!” “I find the Solari Report the only compre- hensive, wide reaching conversation about what is going on here on planet earth. No other website gives as much breadth – health, geo-politics, markets, spirituality, etc. What you address is very complete. These days you need all these things to function in the very complicated world we have created. This is a very important point – Solari’s uniqueness in the marketplace – the only one talking about Black Budget, Space pro- grams and how this links into the missing Trillions…. By naming the Legacy system as dying – it helped me understand why I was struggling in my small business in the space of being dependent on government money. Time to move on.” “By naming what is really happening and giving validity to my experience, it allows me to form a framework within which to work. It allows me to keep sane, to operate cheerfully and to keep on creating my own world and reality.” “To operate legally in a system which is set up against the ‘little guy’ knowing that there are two sets of rules – one for us, and anoth- er for Mr. Global and team. And to thrive in this environment!” “Every day, I am reminded in some way of the valuable lessons I have learned (and shared with the family) and the resulting actions we have been able to take because of the financial education and ‘life education’ lessons you have imparted.” “You and your Solari team and all the up- lifting and educational people, authors, and broad spectrum of individuals that are living “free and inspired” lives encourage me on a daily basis! Each day, I am so very thankful!” “For me the wrap ups have all been amaz- ingly special because I am often unable to understand the context connecting the var- ious reports during the year. The year end wrap ups have been like tying a beautiful ‘bow of meaning’ around them all.” “Thank you so many times over for your honesty.You have connected so many dots for us that this strange world doesn’t seem so strange at all anymore.” “On the Annaul Wrap Up: One of the most significant things I’ve ever read.” What subscribers are saying about The Solari Report: 98