57 VI. Solari Core Concepts A s you read or listen to the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017, you will find referenc- es to a number of concepts we discuss regularly at the Solari Report. These include stories such as The Red Button or phrases such as Mr. Global (our nickname for the committee, or powers, that govern the allocation and own- ership of resources on planet earth). We have listed some great suggested reading, listening, and viewing here to help you understand these phenomena. The Breakaway Civilization Some of the private interests who have managed the national security state have developed such advanced technology and independent wealth that they see themselves as a separate or “break- away” civilization – above and beyond the laws and responsibilities of existing sovereign governments or societies. • Solari Report: The Breakaway Civilization With Dr. Joseph Farrell • Solari Report: UFOs for the 21st Century Mind With Richard Dolan • Solari Report: The Breakaway Civilization, Part 1, With Dr. Joseph Farrell • Solari Report: The Breakaway Civilization, Part 2, With Dr. Joseph Farrell The Central Banking Warfare Model The American Tapeworm is a symptom that the Central Banking Warfare Model has created. The supremacy of English-speaking people since the time of Queen Elizabeth the First is dying. It is dying not because it is wrong but because it is weak. It is dying because – like a tapeworm – it is rapidly weakening its own system. • The Central Banking Warfare Model: It’s All About the Power to Issue Money • The Central Banking Warfare Model Is Wearing Thin Control Files Some of the most important advanced technol- ogies we must try to understand are those that manipulate individual thoughts and emotions by invisible means. We encourage you to take time to understand the “nuts and bolts” of centralized control. As the use of artificial intelligence grows, so does the power of these control technologies. Indeed, there is a “matrix” of control. • Commentary: Control Files • Solari Report: The Layman’s Guide to Mind Control • Solari Report: Entrainment, Subliminal Programming, and Financial Manipulation • Solari Report: Beat Down at US Universi- ties With Jon Rappoport • Solari Report: Jon Rappoport on Matrix Nuts & Bolts • Solari Report: 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Planet Debt • Book Review: Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control • Book Review: Mark M. Rich on The Nuts & Bolts of Tyranny Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits I hope that Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits will help you “see the game” and to recognize the line dividing two very differ- ent visions. One vision centralizes power and knowledge in a manner that tears down com- munities and infrastructure as it gathers wealth and shrinks freedom. The other vision diversi- fies power and knowledge to create new wealth 1 BREAKAWAY 2014 e Solari Report